Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!

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Oh baby:
“I knew, she looks just like you!”

I was going to send that link around, but then, I realized, multiple recipients? Probably look bad.

Live REK:
Robert Earl Keen at Floores, in Helotes. Just like the CD, #2 Live Dinner, which, apparently, everyone knew, as it was all audience participation. Artist’s website.

Saturday night at Floores, a cold front was blowing in and the day had been balmy, near 80, the evening, temperatures dropping almost 40 degrees.

“Every body say ‘cheese,’ Merry Christmas from the famil-EEE!”

The Robert Earl Keen Christmas Show is a long-standing tradition. I’m trying to recall all the REK stories. Bubba, helping the bass player and his wife, into a show, couldn’t get past security (Bubba was working security at that gig, REK was headlining.)

The Labor Day gig, yeah, three generations represented, next to us.

Or, at this last Xmas show? There was the smell of “skunk” in the air, I looked over, momentarily distracted, watching as a couple, I thought the lady was a young mother, maybe middle-aged. Her, a date, her friend, they passed a pipe. Definite smell of skunk wafting on the air.

And surrounded by cowboys.

On the other side, it looked like a dad, his son, and a mom, all enjoying the. All of them knew lyrics to at least one song.

After the last song? Leaving? My ears were ringing. Wasn’t from the band, though, it was the crowd, cheering, hooting, and drunken – or stoned – singing.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • ssmith04 Dec 23, 2008 @ 17:47

    The recreation of Cleopatra looked remarkably Indian (not Native American; the other Indian). It would be easy to see how a high-placed line could acquire some extraneous genes–women have been adept at prevaricating about conception and fatherhood since they became chattel and had to lie to survive. Sometimes the high-born really didn’t know who the father was, especially when, very young, they participated in certain rites intended to ensure the fertility of the land. And the ensuing child part of the family line. No comments about hybrid vigor at this time.

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