Omnia explorate, Meliore retinete

The weekly audio file is available – updated for free, and the video is part of the subscriber service.


Unrelated Holiday:
One of my favorite Xmas images – from that side project.

Astrology Q & A:
“Most psychic readers just start talking about whatever they see, you always ask me, ‘What do you want to know?’ Why is that?”

Because, in an astrology chart, a strict, blind reading? I don’t know what the querent desires. Sometime, it’s clear symbolism, Saturn aligns with Venus in the Seventh House, yeah, we all know what that is. But even from male to female, it could vary as to the interpretation. The location of the planets? Science. Straight up, boring as can be astronomy. What that symbolism means? Interpretation is an art form.

Stardust Motel

Stardust Motel

Shout out:
To Walt. At the Apple Store. I booked a “workshop” slot at the Apple Store to learn how to manipulate files in a certain program. Workshop started a little late, and Walt looked up, terror in his eyes, The other two workshop participants were between the ages of 5 and 10, be my guess, cute girl, cute older brother. Both were seated at iMacs, and both had the graphics dancing in front of them. I just nodded and suggested he didn’t need to change his approach any, as what works for kids, probably works for me, too.

Speaks highly to the intuitive quality of the software; those kids were whizzing around in no time. Me? Yeah, not so much.

This is NOT a photo-op.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for &c. breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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  • ssmith04 Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:01

    I’ve used a PC since the early days of DOS and had only a brief fling with a Mac. Yesterday I was taking hubby’s computer (PC) to our local computer geek for the third time and had an opportunity to use an Apple machine, a laptop. The geek was bragging about all its charms and qualities abounding. I fell in love. With the machine, not the geek (though he’s pretty hot, too, 50-something and intelligent).

    If I ever need to buy another computer, I’ll make the move. But right now, financially speaking, it’s not the time. Marriage-wise, it’s not the time to make a move, either. Sit tight, and hold on for the duration of the ride.

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