More Patterns

Merely recognizing a pattern doesn’t mean that the pattern will cease to be a problem, but it is an excellent method to start to get ahead. I was describing an issue I was wrestling with, or, to be more precise, an issue I with which I had wrestled. Successfully, more or less. It’s a matter of recognizing the source of various components then addressing each component issue as a separate entity, and, to a certain extent, with enough time and distance, allowing a dispassionate view.


Some of this is accomplished through deep psycho-analysis. Or years of arduous therapy. I’ve seen “psychic” readers perform similar services, healing, in manner of speaking, with words. But it doesn’t always work.

I stumbled upon a site that was involved in much the same kind of work as I do. Then, too, one of my friends offered that she saw me doing exactly what a “trained” reader does in regard to performing an overhaul on existing patterns.

Extinguish the old patterns and allow for new ones to reform, perhaps better patterns. In some situation, it’s a as simple as mere realization about what is unsaid, and what will remain unsaid.

I guess that’s enough about this.

Tagged: Holographic Repatterning

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • ssmith04 Jan 25, 2009 @ 9:54

    Having life slap you upside the head and then dump you on your ass brings a breaking of old patterns, too, if you have the courage to see it through and not just go back and make the same mistakes/choices over again, blindly. Good (if a bit obscure) posting.

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