No, not “net” books – text in PDF format, no, the soon to be ubiquitous tiny laptop without much horsepower. As discussed here.
Article points to a particular example, two, by my understanding, one is Apple’s MacBook Air and for comparison shopping, how about an Acer Aspire.
When I set up those two links, the price was $1769 for the Apple and $369 for the Acer. However, the specifications – other than operating systems – really tended to favor the Acer. Fit, finish, design and software? I’m sure that would tilt in favor of the Apple product. However, like that article points out, premium is what gets cut first.
There’s a constriction of available resources. Money’s tight.
A little net book makes sense. Not the fastest, but easy enough to carry around and with increasingly web-based material? Just plan easier for handling all the little chores. Bigger keyboard than a phone, too. Not that the functions vary much. Or the specifications.
Early reports make it look like Apple will be okay. Or not.
Look around a piece of ground and the sky is hazy shade of winter.
Perhaps most telling, though, is the prevalence of iPhones at the Super Wal-Mart World. To some us, though, that’s also a sign of the apocalypse.
I’ve been running on the slightly larger version of the Acer Aspire for a couple of years and I’ve been very pleased with it. Pleased as in: no problems. I carry it around a lot, in a bag with no padding. It’s been dented some on the outside, but no effect on the innards that I can tell.
In the extrememly hot weather we get here, inching up towards 115 degrees, I have had to use a fan underneath because the heat would lock it up. (No air conditioning in house). Other than that, no problems (knock on wood).