I’m curious about the transparency of that show, Extreme Home Make Over: El Paso (TX).
The show was on ABC, week ago, I watched. As did half of El Paso, I’m sure, then there was the news segment, especially on the local ABC affiliate, and them there was the after-the-news segments, rehashed, after the news, which came after the show. Let’s just beat that horse until it’s dead.
I went to bed, I remember that – sleeping in a trailer.
Granted, the people who had the house built for them, that was a good thing, and their ministry, feeding the poor in Ciudad Juarez, that’s a good thing.
My question, after being on a reality show myself, how much of that was staged? Some, if not all, I’m sure.
I’m also guessing that the TV network, it was a prime spot, I’m guessing that the company was making a profit on the show. Advertising, collected “donations.”
ABC is the same channel that paid me for a reading. Since I was paid, I can’t expect any kind of a plug. No kindness and consideration. Part of the release I signed.
I mentioned that – the upcoming wife swap program – to the Leo server – same night as the Extreme Home Makeover ran. She remembered us, and she claimed she knew someone on the crew. On the crew of Wife Swap, same show I was on.
Flying back from El Paso, I chatted with a Scorpio. He, too, knew someone on the crew. On the crew of Wife Swap, same show I was on.
Lots of people to pay. How much is for free?

You’re spot-on, IMHO. I think much of what we recieve via the media is staged, much more than we realize.
yeah, wait until you see me on “reality” TV.