Why Wiki is fun!
The problem? Now I have to go and buy another Sagittarius album, Billy Idol’s Devil’s Playground to get that one cut.
Doesn’t matter if it rains or freezes, long as I got my plastic Jesus, riding on the dashboard of my car
(Jello Biafra/Mojo Nixon version on iTunes)
Rocket Surgery:
Or brain science. One of those. For the cows.
Like an endangered species (makes good boots), languages are also growing extinct?
Or low-brow?
Low Brow Mystic dot com.
Stop – action.
No idea:
If this works, but here it is:
Passing a church, and that song cycled up. I just can’t make this stuff up.
Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!
Two Meat Tuesday (the book)
(cure for the common horoscope)
Pink Cake A commonplace book.
Bexar County Line
Thanks, TFG! Scooped up one of those Mike Ness collections. Social D and punk country. Is this a great place to live? Or what!
Looking for: Cheating at Solitaire.

Caught me:
Stupid tag line worked on me, I clicked: Deep in the heart of Taxes.
My bad.
“I made this one friend on FaceBook.”
Devil mix works just fine; problem is, I’ll have to listen to the whole thing when I’m awake enough to enjoy it (it’s 5:30 a.m. right now). Plastic Jesus, indeed.