"If heaven have any grievous plague in store
Exceeding those that I can wish upon thee,
O, let them keep it till thy sins be ripe."
Shakespeare’s Richard III [I.iii.217-21]
Aries: Comes a point in a person’s life when a mistake or two is warranted. I might be wrong, but I’m going to have fun being wrong. Does the punishment fit the crime? Maybe not. Does it matter? Sort of depends. But what I was looking at, there’s a chance to be wrong, but a chance to be wrong in a spectacular — and possibly quite fun — way. No Aries likes to be incorrect. Hate to misjudge a situation. I’d rather you not have to make a few mistakes, but there’s a hint that the mistakes will occur. Good or bad? The way I see it? The way the planets line up? Or don’t line up as much as they are slightly misaligned, but lined up on your Aries self? It’s all about a bad judgement call. That being posited, this misjudged action that results in an error? All bad? Not really. This is one that looks like a lot of fun. A mistake, but fun nonetheless. It’s the kind of mistake I’d willingly make myself. Sometimes the rewards justify the errors.
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Taurus: I’ve written several novel-length manuscripts. As an exercise, it was wholly satisfying. At least one manuscript is with an agent, might get published one day. There was a pertinent discussion between the agent and myself, about the original version of the story, and that agent wanted to see the outline. I didn’t have one. I had a general direction, sort of a mind’s eye view of what would happen, but I didn’t really have a plan. No outline. I had a scrap of paper during that on novel’s writing, and that backside of an envelope had the rudimentary names and figures about who was related to whom. That was about it. Novel might read like that, too. Not that it matters. I didn’t have much of an outline to follow, other than a vague mental image. As you progress through this next week, unlike me, I want you to stick to the plan. The outline. The plot, in excruciating detail, for Taurus? You already have an idea. I’ll suggest that the first order of business is to fill in the plot holes. Flesh out the bones of the story, and make an outline for the next 3 weeks. Make a plan. Stick to your plan. There’s an outline, a series of steps that you want to take — the route from here to there. Starts with a plan. Outline. Something.
Gemini: I received a new credit card about three weeks ago. Venus was retrograde. After I called the automated activation number, I tucked the card away. Three days later, I got a sales call from the card company, wondering if I was happy and would I like to apply for extra credit protection? No. The next day, I had another call, wondering if I was happy and if I would like to apply for extra credit protection, in case I was injured at work, they would pay my balance. Or minimum payment. Again, I wasn’t interested since I’m self-employed, that negates their useless offer. Third day? Another solicitation. I am not happy. Calling me on my work number, and starting with "ARe you happy with the new card?" Doesn’t work for me, not three days running. I grabbed the card, looked up the customer service number, and I was about to call and cancel the card when I realized, the sweetest revenge? I would do nothing. The pay freight on a bill, they pay for paper and postage, and the accounting overhead, and I won’t ever use the card. I’m fighting back against annoying corporate behavior by costing them money. Granted, in the grand scheme, I’m not a big liability, but I have to fight back. This is a clear example of how doing nothing can serve to fight the power. Granted, I’m only one person, but if enough people were to passively, tacitly send a message? Enough Gemini doing nothing? There is a way that passive resistance can work. Make a — passive — stand, Gemini.
Cancer: Warn, beg, plead, wheedle, whine? Cajole and coerce? Finally, if nothing else seems to work? Flattery and bribery? There’ a huge amount of cardinal energy, and since you forgot, Cancer is a Cardinal Sign. Maybe the best Cardinal Water sign, ever, but you can’t use that line now. There’s a pronounced excitement, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s it’s all good. Or bad, for that matter, not all bad, either. That’s not what this is about, though. Or is it? I started out, trying to get a handle on the energy, how to best describe what’s going on, and what’s happening in the Cancer psyche. And, more important, what to do with that energy. Hence the long list of suggestion, from begging, and groveling to demanding. But I’d suggest, just a suggestion, more like guidelines than rules, but for the next seven to ten days? As the moon gets full? Try my approach. Appear to be begging. Appear to be groveling. Appear to be secondary.
Leo: Now. Simple answer to the Leo question. The answer? Now. One word answer. Simple, direct, forward. No questions asked. That approaching and very active Full Moon? Yeah, that’s part of it. Jupiter in Aquarius, opposite you? That’s part of it, too. Aries Sun and Venus? You guessed it, that’s part as well. Makes "now" good for Leo. How good? Stop spending, retail therapy is no longer a Leo attribute, or not these days. That’s not part of the "now" symbolism. But other than that? How about feeling good? How about realizing that you’re happy with some aspects of your Leo life? How about realizing that there is some material that is being covered, quite nicely, thank you very much, and that it is okay. It’s a matter of being happy with what’s there. Now.
Virgo: Timing might be everything, and from what I’ve seen of my fine Virgo friends? Your timing is off. "It’s just a step to the right," as the song goes. So you take a jump to the left. A step should be about 18 inches, so you jump about three feet, in the other direction. This, to me, is timing issue. In a few more heartbeats, in a few more seconds, or, maybe half a beat earlier, you’d be moving in the correct direction. But your timing seems to be off. Way off. There is always a (good) chance that I’m wrong, and your timing might not be off at all. I’m willing to risk my own errors for the sake of life in Virgo land to be better. But I’m suggesting that I might be correct about the little issue with timing. It’s MArs, in as much as it can be anything, and Mrs makes you hasty, specially when Mr. Mars is in the sign that is opposite you. Therein is the problem. To gain some perspective on the timing issue? How about adding, perhaps, half a beat to everything that you’re doing? Just count to one, or three, and fifteen, and see if that doesn’t give you a little extra time. Helps correct the timing issue.
Libra: A Libra las was explaining about a boyfriend issue. Seems that the boyfriend was trying to turn a simple task into an arduous trek. I liked the guy. I could do that, too. Never met him, just liked the way he was taking a simple matter, tasked to him by a Libra girlfriend, and he was making this more difficult than it needed to be. The Libra looked at me, "Know what I told him?" I shook my head. "It’s groceries, not the space shuttle." I liked that line. I hope it proves fruitful for your Libra self in the coming week. There’s a task at hand that needs to be assigned to someone. It’s not that difficult, or complex, or even complicated. But never underestimate a non-Libra ability to turn the simplest of chores into a monumental effort. Which means, that delightful Libra? That little quip? We get to all use that again, this week. Substitute as need be, but now you have the general way to deal what the planets deal you.
Scorpio: It was a young lass, a Scorpio, and I was intrigued by her tattoo collection. One, in particular. A winged heart, or a heart with wings. And a scroll through it. On the scroll in the heart’s center? Three letters: MOM. Yes, and I’ve always wanted that kind of tattoo. Heart, on an arm, with the letters, MOM. I think I’d prefer a slightly different location, more like the biceps rather than where that one Scorpio lass had it but still, I like the idea. You get a great idea, like that tattoo, and you’re a Scorpio, you want to implement this great idea. Maybe this particular cycle isn’t the best time to take matters in hand and get that new ink installed on your body. While I found it to be a fetching design on a fetching Scorpio with classic, Scorpio allure, I’m suggesting that maybe, just maybe, this isn’t the time for such a permanent decision. As the Moon gets fuller and fuller, the ideas in the Scorpio mind get wilder and wilder. Instead of getting inked, maybe now is a good time to draw the design. Maybe draw it with a pencil, so you can change what needs to be changed.
Sagittarius: There’s a road, or a sign that points to a road, and this is back roads territory. While I never stopped and got a digital image, I can’t help but think about that sign, "Possum Hollow Road." It’s an official highway sign, so it’s a real place. While the setting is somewhat rural, it does beg a comparison. Compare that name with what urban, national, international people think about Texas. Sort of fits. A caricature that’s not an exaggeration. Such places really do exist. I might take a picture next time I pass it. Or might not, as it’s on the back way to a favorite fishing place. Can’t be giving away all the secrets. Herein is what’s important, as the moon gets full, what secrets do we keep and what secrets are no longer secret? The location of "Possum Hollow Road" might be available on the inter-web thing with maps and satellites and all. Or might not be. The department of transportation might not have an active catalog of all their signs. So the location might still be a secret. Or I might have misspelled the name a little, as I can’t be giving away all my secrets. What secrets do you, as a Sagittarius, need to keep?
Capricorn: "Sight fishing" is one of the skills I’m not terribly good at. When I lived on the lake, I had several years to practice and while I never got good at it, I understand the theory well enough. The point with sight fishing, when I can see the fish? There’s a good chance that the fish can see me, as well. Hence the problem. Bait selection, bait presentation, equipment, all of that is more important than usual. Then, too, there’s the absolute precision required to land the bait, whatever you’re using, right on that fish’s nose, so to speak. At least that much, I’m reasonably good at. Practice. The other afternoon we were on a lake, and we were sight fishing Wrapping up a good morning, just more fun than anything else, some late spawn action, and the sight fishing was more annoying to the Large Mouth Bass instead of being particularly productive for us (the guys fishing). I tried several different combinations, nothing seemed to work. I didn’t worry about it. I was having fun, and I have to wonder, grown males, in an expensive, high-powered bass boat, throwing expensive plastic at stupid fish who just ignored us. We were flipping and pitching to no avail. Sure was fun. We spent several hours, "honing our skills" and yet, we never caught a fish. Makes you wonder. I was sore, sunburned and happy, the next morning. Just because I didn’t catch a fish, just because Capricorn doesn’t catch what you can see? Does that make the exercise any less fulfilling? I dropped on jig right on top of the wee Big Mouth’s nose. He sniffed and avoided it. I jiggled it. It looked good enough to eat. Still, while I was watching, nothing happened.
Aquarius: As retrograde Venus makes a right angle to Mr. Pluto, who, "oh by the way," is also turning backwards? All this creates a weird dynamic. See, you’re stuck in the middle of this mess. You didn’t start it, you’re not destined to finish it, but at this moment, you’re right in the middle. Therein is the problem. I don’t have an easy solution, but I’d see you as a peace maker. The one in the middle. I get an image of volleys of projectiles flying over your head, From the left, aimed at the right. From the right, aimed at the left. I’m not saying that this is all that bad, but the point is to keep your head down. These projectiles: bullets, missiles, rocks, even hardened animal excrement? It can go over your head. The problem starts when you stand up and hold out your hands, trying o make peace. I’m all for the peaceful solution where we all sit down and talk. But I’m also very much in favor of your Aquarius self staying out of the line of fire, while you’re stuck in the middle. You can make peace. But I’d suggest you keep your head low while doing so. No need to catch any of the hurtling projectiles yourself.
Pisces: Mars. Mars, Uranus, Venus backwards, and so on. What does it mean? I had a special fishing pole, a Shakespeare ultra-light graphite trigger pole with small Ambassador reel on it. Strong monofilament line, and tiny "root beer" colored piece of plastic. Tiny plastic, lightweight pole, strong line. I landed a good bass with that setup. Surprised me, boating a good six-pound bass with a tiny bait. But that’s what this is about, with the planets like this. Sometimes, what’s most fun, is the lightweight approach. Makes for a more epic struggle. The fishing reel, the part that winds up the fishing line, I had the drag set kind of light. That one fish, she would spool out some of the line, A truly epic battle of man to fish. Fun. Almost lost the fish, though, before the required photos. It was the fun part of the set-up, the lightweight gear. Almost couldn’t hold a big fish. Which was why it was fun. How you go at what the planets are dealing up this week? Up to you. A spirited, sporting chance is what you’ve got. You might be the fish, or you might be the fisher-person.
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