For the week starting: 4.23.2009


"Take heed, lest by your heat you burn yourselves."
Shakespeare’s King Henry VI, Part II (V.i.160)

bcl Aries: Nothing would be nicer in the Aries chart than a degree of peace and serenity. Too bad it’s a relative thing, that peace and serenity, because, by my standards, there’s a degree of peace, prosperity and harmony due in the Aries quadrant. The point is, though, to use this direction, this little cosmic shove? Put its energy in motion in a direction that you want. There’s the peaceful easy feeling from the ingress of Venus. There’s the activity associated with Mars, the nominative planet for Aries, and there’s always the lunar cycle, just starting to warm up. Spring has sprung, locally. Pretty much it. Not as hot as it will be, and there has still been a few rain storms to help ease this, but the onset of summer is in the very near distance. Likewise for Aries. Get ready for a warm season, location notwithstanding.

bcl Taurus: Happy birthday, Taurus dear. The answer to the next question? No. The question after that? No. I worked along a sales guy, and he explained, the theory, get three yes answers? Then he can sell anything. "How you doing?" Good. "Interested?" Yes. "Good price?" Yes. Then he’s got sale. He will, so I’ve gathered, formulate target-specific questions to get those three affirmations before moving in for the kill. Slick salesman. Good at what he does. Which is the problem with Taurus these moments. This week. The birthday thing? Keep running into negative answers. "No," and "can’t do it right now," and "like to but can’t," are the typical answers. I’ve graciously warned you that this isn’t how to make a sale. I’ve pointed out that there’s a time and place for all this material. Now might not be the time, and now might not be the place. Doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be substantial mirth Taurus corner, it’s just that it’s going to feel a little lonely. And when you do encounter the two negative answers? Don’t belabor the point. The other people will come around to understanding you’re right. A little later. Which doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good birthday party. Mars, and by the end of tis scope? Venus are both kicking around, trailing yo a little, poking their way through Aries. Just slow down and enjoy.

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bcl Gemini: The more things change? The more they change. Am I right? Or what? It can be argued that I have journalism background, having, in my time, worked for an actual newspaper. And having seen, at one time, my words carried in two, three newspapers that I’m aware of. However, mostly? I write for electronic distribution. The web. It’s a different medium, too. Tends to be a very Gemini form, as well. Short, sweet, to the point. Well, usually. Limited amount of meandering to and fro, Readers tend to scan rather than seek depth in a particular article. And it’s good the break material up into bite-sized chunks, easier to digest? Get any ideas? So I’m little long-winded here. But the deal is, with the Sun in your (solar) 12th House? Long as the Sun is in Taurus? Think along the lines that life is like a long web page, or long web page article. You have to scan it, read forward, read back wards, quick, check out another sign, then come back to what you were originally doing. All about how you approach the single, most important problem.

bclCancer: Some of my fishing pictures are not really public/publish quality. My hair will be a knotted mess from riding around in a boat. Psuedo-dreadlocks, as an example. Then, too, I dress for comfort when fishing. I might have on a shabby (but warm) pair of sweat pants with an artful opening in a bad place for the camera. Still, I was comfortable. Or the color combination, shirt, hat, over-shirt? Not that my color combinations have ever been good, but since I let a certain girlfriend select the clothes, it’s helped. Still, for fishing? Count on it being bad. Plaids, stripes and Hawaiian print, if I can work it all in. Underneath the mismatched but entirely utilitarian attire? I’m comfortable. That’s what is most important. And that is an image I want my fine Cancer friends to embrace, hug and other wise get cozy with. Style, fine Cancer style? Yeah, that’s gone for the time being. Mars — and Venus — in Aries? Ruins your sense of style. But this isn’t about style, this is about what it feels like on the inside. Comfort. I had a Hawaiian shirt, a striped flannel shirt, and plaid shorts. Picture is probably still buried in fish pictures, some place on the website. Despite the incredibly bad image the clothing makes? I was toasty warm, but not hot, on that afternoon. With a fish in my hand. Matter of perspective.

bcl Leo: When they were on sale, I bought a several lots of blank CD’s. On the spindle, it was 50 blanks for $4.99. Even with tax, that’s right at a dime apiece for blanks. I use these to record readings. The problem I’ve had with the cheap blanks? I mean, when I saw that sale, I bought a bunch, but the problem is that the failure rate is pretty high. However, on sale? At roughly a dime each? I can live with a failure rate that is pretty high because even the aggregate cost is pretty low. Savings I can pass on the the customer. Even if the failure rate was as high as five in every spindle of 50? That’s ten percent. That’s still doable, especially from the cost to performance issue. With the failure rate that high and the "no returns" policy in place, "all sales are final," it’s okay. I still save money, my customers and clients save money, and we’re all happy. The failure rate this week is less than 10%. Just like those cheap spindles of blank CDs, you’re seeing two, maybe three fail out of every 50. Is that such bad odds? The only problem? The ones that do fail? There is no recourse. Strict, "All Sales Final" rules.

bcl Virgo: I’ve noticed, over years, any time you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90 per cent probability you’ll get it wrong. I’m not saying that it’s an infallible rule, but as a guideline, it seems true more often than not. There are some small influences in your favor. There are some other questions and answers, other influences, that might not be as favorable. That’s why, with a 50-50 shot at something? You can easily guess the direction. By no means does this doom your next few days, it’s just that there’s a point, a place, a time, when there’s going to be the probability question. There’s chance you can get this right. There’s a chance you can answer correctly. There’s hope. And you know, in your Virgo mind, as well as I do, that, despite the best guessing, there’s also a chance that you will call "heads" when it land "tails." That’s almost certain.

bcl Libra: Ceviche is a Mexican name for a simple dish. It’s supposed to be raw sea fish, onions, peppers and a healthy amount of lemon (or lime) juice. The citric acid "cooks" the fish. I’ve prepared this at home with fresh seafood, I’ve had it in Mexico — probably where I was introduced to the dish — and I’ve had it locally. Because it does involve raw seafood, I tend to be a tad bit picky about the places where I’ll have this kind of a meal. Although it’s an appetizer, I’ve found that it a good dish of Ceviche Salad can serve as a light meal. The place where I had this borders on being fancy or really fancy, and I wouldn’t order drinks there, but for a quick meal, maybe chips, hot sauce and some Ceviche? Yeah, works great. The deal is, despite the Mexican (or really Tex-Mex) trappings, the place aspires to be fine cuisine. The dish is served with a couple of avocado wedges on one side, limes wedges round out the presentation, and there was a few kernels of popcorn. Sounds really weird, raw fish, lime juice, onions, peppers and popcorn. Popcorn? It added crunch, added flavor, and added texture. It was the perfect addition. For that scoop of raw fish, there was about six popcorn kernels. Strange, but true. Mars, and Venus are moving opposite you. Add popcorn to the menu items. Add something, add something a little different. Might seem odd, but your Libra tastes will thank me.

bcl Scorpio: I’ve heard the plant called a number of names, "Confederate Jasmine," or "Southern Jasmine." It’s a flowering vine that creates the strongest aromatic scent when it flowers. In the spring. Like now. Sort of funny plant, broad, dark green leaves, vine that holds like Vise-Grips, and then the flowering aroma. It’s heady and thick, a scent that sends a clear message, like a fresh spritz of perfume. When I had this stuff growing at my place in Austin, I had a small problem with Yellow-jackets as the flowering plant seemed to attract them by the hordes. So the flowers and the springtime scent? All good. The downside? Insects. Stinging insects that are obnoxious and little aggressive. I passed a building here, old house I think, and they had the Confederate Jasmine clinging and covering a side of the house. The smell is delicious, especially now, in the spring. However, I’m reminded, although it’s tempting to run my fingers through the leaves? I’m reminded of previous encounters with the wasp-waisted hornets. Which does not mean I can’t enjoy the scent, the aromatic background the spring offers, just means I’ll be careful and alert as I enjoy it. No need to piss of a hornet’s nest. Enjoy the good stuff, like the Jasmine, or whatever it’s called. Just be wary. Look, don’t touch?

bcl Sagittarius: Old adage to which I’ve hewn extensively? Anything said in Latin sounds smarter. Consider that as I hand out a useful phrase from my own collection. "Gustatus Similis Pullus" is handy Latin phrase, means, in doggerel Latin, "Tastes like chicken." The cooks among us will savor the phrase. Im not sure what is cooking, but the phrase, in Latin, might just be handy. Possum and Raccoon come to mind, as does Catfish and Squirrel. Not that I know anything about that, or what roadkill would really taste like. But there is always the misconception. Reminds me of time I was pulling out with a buddy, we were headed out in the pre-dawn hours to fish. A neighbor was scrapping something off the road. The comment my buddy made, not really suitable for this medium, involved a local restaurant, obvious roadkill and scraping breakfast from the surface street. Or the street’s surface. I had to assure him, "Gustatus Similis Pullus," although I doubt that really mediated the cause. Look: you’ve got a handy Latin phrase to use, as needed to help ease our Sagittarius way through the week. Some people don’t get it. Which is why we can use the Latin version.

bcl Capricorn: Do you know what an Aglet is? That’s the plain or ornamental covering on the end of a shoelace. What is this, Capricorn trivia? Sure. Useless data that might pay off if you were on a game show of some kind. "Okay, Capricorn, what is an ‘Aglet’? For the winning total?" Now you know the answer. I’d like to think that I can provide this information before you need it, but in a convoluted and twisted world in which we live? You probably needed the answer last week. Doesn’t do you a lot of good this week. You missed the jack pot because you weren’t paying attention. But now that I do have your attention, what you can do with this? It’s a good, and yet oddly stressful period, starting on the beginning of this scope. By the end of the next week, you’ll have handle on this. It’s just that in the between time?


bcl Aquarius: I’ve got a small stereo system in my office. It was an inexpensive arrangement, more asa stop-gap measure than a permanent solution, and what’s odd, is how it’s stuck. What was a temporary deal has become, more or less, a permanent solution. Good thing I spent a little more than I thought it justified, so I got a good cheap one. Which is what this is really all about. I’m not in favor of the disposable lifestyle, or disposable lifestyle adornments, however, in this situation, I was figuring this would be a good, disposable deal. To my pleasant surprise, it was a longer-lasting, more useful set-up. What I did was plug an iPod into the portable stereo and as such, it now has many long hours of preprogrammed music, change a play list and get different material, classical, rock, alternative Texas country folks rock, Spanish-language techno, opera. Never can tell what I’ll be listening to. It’s about cheap and easy solution to a complex problem, and how the cheaper, easier alternatives seem to work out better. Some question, Aquarius questions this week, some of those questions don’t need complicated (and expensive) answers. Sometimes good and cheap works, and like my music player, good and cheap not only works, but works well in the long haul, too.

bcl Pisces: Dressed up, slicked down, ready to go? Good. No one wants to play along? Too bad. The planets are not having a laugh at you as much as your expectations have gotten the best of you. It’s not bad, just not as wonderful and amazing as you expect it to be. It’s matter of riding herd on the Pisces hopes and dreams a little bit. Corralling that wonderful imagination of yours. I’m not saying you shouldn’t dream big, no, that’s not the question. If you can dream it, then it cold happen. But the timing, and that’s what this is all about, the timing isn’t that good. I fished about three times last week. I caught fish on one trip. That’s the way it goes. Out of three tries, success just one day. But then, stop and think about those numbers, fishing, three times? Three days off for fishing? That’s not bad at all, that’s good. That’s great even. So despite not really being successful with the the catching of fish, I was fishing, and therefore, well, it’s all good, right? Kind of depends on how you want to see what’s right there, and what you expect to see. At least on of those days I fully didn’t expect to catch any fish because it was an experimental bait in an experimental location, and I thought it wouldn’t work, so I met my expectations. But then, as an astrologer, I know how to manage my expectations with the planets. All I’m saying, depends on how you judge the relative merits of success and failure. And all depends on what you expect out of the deal.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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