Just for kicks.
Male sex appeal. (Eeww.)
Safe pylons.
Half a lecture. It’s a 35-minute video, just the first portion of my lecture, scraped up from Austin last weekend. If you’ve got the time, it can be informative.
Sky Friday:
The policy on the side project is to stick to the deal, just pictures, no words. But that one really argues for some commentary. I leave a cheap digital camera in the glovebox of the girlfriend’s car. Then, every once in a while, there’s an image that presents itself. Can’t do much better than that, includes the car, the lettering, the car, the Tower of the Americas, the sky, south St. Mary’s street. Doesn’t get much more Bexar County Line than that.
What I Love About Texas:
There’s a sense of irony, maybe a visual joke, and to compound the problem, someone, somewhere, takes this serious. Found this in a local grocery store. Cheese. In the shape of Texas. Maybe happy cheese comes from happy cows or whatever that stupid marketing program is, but this is evidently different.
Or not. Click for larger image.