
Never twigged to the numbers. Insert something witty Or rerun some timeless Cheech and Chong.

Three weeks:
Be my guess.

Theme Song:
REK’s Road Goes on Forever and the party never ends.

Meme is theme song for one’s life. Don’t forget, at the end of the song? “Sonny’s going to the chair, as she gets back in her new Mercedes Benz…” (sic)

That one kills me.

Really good stuff until sponsorship unravels.

Cost Benefit:
Just more on the age-old debate.

Haven’t been to a burger king in a more than a dozen years. Maybe longer. However, I loved the ad. Of course, it’s being pulled for being cultural insensitive.

And I thought it was funny.

Shouldn’t talk and drive.

In other Houston news:
Miss-marked history. From the article:

“The whole continental expansion of the U.S. to the West Coast hinged on this battle,” he said

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • ssmith04 Apr 20, 2009 @ 8:32

    We lecture, plead with, and harangue our bus drivers not to talk on their cell phones while driving. Even though it’s illegal, they still do it and are in high dudgeon when called on it (pun intended). We tell them to let it ring, find a safe place to pull over, and then call the person back–to no avail. The “demand” of the phone–that it must be answered–is ingrained in us from our parents, I guess. It drives my husband nuts when I won’t answer the phone at home, because I don’t feel like being disturbed.

    I’m going to forward that article to all my supervisors.

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