The June 1 “New Yorker” Magazine features artwork that was composed on an iPhone. With an iPhone/iPod application. Weird.
Not so much, though, because I was attempting to come up with a new definition of the kind of artwork I’m doing on the side-project. It’s not, strictly speaking, limited to iPhone photos. Some of the earlier works were from a time before I even had an iPhone. Plain (ten cents a message) phone camera images.
Some of the pictures are available as high-resolution (2, 4, 6, 8 megapixel) images. However, the original precept was just whatever the camera caught, a shoot and post with no digital chicanery. As the side-project has developed, I’m leaning more and more towards a strictly web-based medium. Small enough image footprint so that it can be viewed on a phone. Don’t have to have a huge monitor to see what’s there. Immediate, in a sense. Strictly digital in expression.
I didn’t bother to read the whole post about the creation of the magazine artwork. However, from my old background in prepress application, high resolution and all that? I wonder what the artist/technician did to get a small image onto the cover without degrading the image itself. The limits of the iPhone camera are the same as my oldest, long-dead devoted digital camera, 2 megapixel. I’ve been assured that those images can be printed at four-by-six inches just fine. Wouldn’t know.
Strictly digital.
I did drop my phone the other afternoon. I was walking and had the ear buds in place while I wanted to answer a client call. Protective case shattered on the sidewalk but the phone was unscratched. The point of the phone, though, is to make it available for those scenes that I wouldn’t think to catch otherwise.
Images and inspiration, that’s all.
Things won are done; joy’s soul lies in the doing.
Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, Act 1, Scene 2