
Fishing Guide to the Stars
By Kramer Wetzel
For the week starting: 8/6/2009

"Daffodils begin to peer,
With heigh! The doxy, over dale."
Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale [IV.ii.1]

As noted in the travel and appearances schedule, I will not be in Austin for the August 22-23 event. Scheduling conflict with El Paso, and the guest shot on Wife Swap – haven’t mastered being in two places at once. However, other arrangements can be made. Questions are always free, some answers require a cash deposit. The e-mail line is always on, “31” (24 and 7).

    astrofish.net Leo: Leo, no, really, Leo really is the best. Taller, stronger, louder, more ferocious, more kind, more generous. Yeah, especially more generous. Only, unless you’re sending money to me? Stop with generosity. I mean, I can use the cash, but this isn’t about me. It’s about you. Well, to be sure, I mean, honestly, yeah, I could use a little extra money.

    But this isn’t about me, a non-Leo. This is about you, a Leo. The Leo, actually. Not a Leo. The Leo. All about you. And money. So unless you’re ordering something from me, trying to arrange a reading with me, or anything like that? Maybe just want to drop a dollar in the old tip jar? Unless you’re doing that, I’d like to suggest that you hold off.

    Put that over-the-top Leo generosity to rest for a few days. No need to impress ungrateful charlatans. Those people who miss it? Let them just miss it. Their loss. Don’t make it your loss, too, by throwing dollars at a problem that money just can’t solve. I realize that might seem stupid to some, but there are some issues that can’t be addressed by dollars.

ASTROFISH.NET: Like a Mulletbusiness in the front, party in the rear.

    astrofish.net Virgo: There was an inter-web picture thing circulating, hit my virtual mail box a few days ago. Don’t ask as I didn’t keep it, and I won’t forward it. It was a picture of mother bird with one of her feet was on one baby bird’s head while that mother bird was feeding another baby bird. The caption? "How to tell you’re mom’s favorite." I sent it along to my sister, more as a joke than anything else. The moment she opened her email, she called me, she’s a Gemini like that?

    "See?" she exclaimed, "I always knew your were the favorite child!" Immediately on the defensive, I was busy pointing out to her that I sent her the image and that was because I always felt like she was the favorite child. Depends on which one of us you talk, but the other one always got the better treatment. Which isn’t exactly true, as our parental unit strove to keep everything equal.

    That doesn’t stop the point, how each of us thought it was the other who had the coveted position and enviable attention. Two halves of the same side. Which is what this is all about. Consider the point of perspective when you start bemoaning the fate of Virgo. The other half, the other side, the other one? They have it better — right now — or so it seems.

ASTROFISH.NET: Now with more protein in every bite!!!

    astrofish.net Libra: I was describing a situation to a friend, and her response? "Oh, I’d like to be a fly in the wall when that happens!" Which is the perfect response to Libra’s questions. Instead of trying to second guess a situation, instead of trying to manipulate the energy around you to get this all to work out okay? Why not just sit back and enjoy the show?

    There comes a time when no action is preferable to action. And there also comes a time when enough players are on the field, all you have to do is stay out of the way. It’s not a challenge. It’s not action that directly requires your hand in it. All that is going to be necessary, for your Libra self to enjoy the next few days? Watch.

    Watch as the players (non-Libra) get worked up, worked over, worked out. Looks like a lot of work. Tremendous amount of effort being expended. Lots of coming and going, and "He said she said," and "she said he said she said" activity. Look. Listen. Wait. Better off? Be amused.

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    astrofish.net Scorpio: Tangents, it’s all about tangents. Tangents are angles, something comes at your sideways, or, better yet, you get a weird notion and that pushes you off sideways. It’s not direct. Scorpio likes direct. Scorpio likes all the facts that can be discerned. My fine Scorpio friends like to dig for all the data available, maybe get something extra on the side and then plot and plan a carefully executed action.

    Given what’s happening, skyward, down here, on the planet? It’s all about tangents in Scorpio land. You get a great idea, it leads to another idea. The plan needs to be modified. Then it hits, the tangental point, that’s the great idea. Never mind what we started with. See how this works? It’s like a pool hustler, working a table. Now, the question is, are you the one banking the shots? Are you the one being hustled? Or are you, in good Scorpio fashion, the hustler? I’d usually bet money on you, but I’m not sure, can you bounce off that sideways and land on your feet?

astrofish.net Sagittarius: I’ve been trying to cut back on caffeine these days. To that end, I’ve switched to couple of different kinds of herbal tea. I grabbed one package of tea, and I wanted to make sure it was caffeine free, so I had to head in the other room to find some reading glasses, because the reading glasses, like tea and coffee, come in different strengths, and I needed the stronger ones to read the fine print on the tea package.

Stay with me here, the glasses are a result of looking at a computer’s screen for too long, and by the time I got around to the Sagittarius scope, I was tired, my eyes were tired, and I’ve been trying to cut back on the dosage of caffeine I get each day. There are a myriad of obstacles listed, the coffee, the tea, the stupid tea’s packaging, the computer’s screen, the other room where the stronger reading glasses were located, just one item right after another.

Mars is frying along in Gemini. There will be obstacles. How serious? Some days, the easiest answer is to just skip the decaf and get a regular cup of coffee.

astrofish.net Capricorn: It’s come this, has it? I was looking at Mars in Gemini, visible as a "morning star" this week, and I was wondering about Capricorn. Leo is a fixed sign, where the Sun’s at now. Venus is past her critical degree with Capricorn, in Cancer. Leaves a little bit of nothing going on. Not entirely, because what I was doing? Mucking around with the icons on the computer’s desktop. Arranging them in a more artful and pleasing, yet oddly enough, more productive array. Just an idea I had. Like Capricorn, great idea.

If you just stop and take a little time to make the steps more suitable then, you can get your work done quicker, right? Only, and I realized this too late to save me, but it’s never too late to save a Capricorn: don’t spend too much time creating shortcuts to save you time wherein the shortcut takes longer to create than the time you would save if you just acted instead of mucked about with making it better by making it shorter.

Sometimes, the easiest way to get through this is to just follow that straight path right through the middle.

astrofish.net Aquarius: "It is the client’s responsibility to insure that proper paperwork is on file before getting a reading." I had to modify the original lettering to fit my fine print/Terms of Service/EULA better. And it does. I’ve been billed and promoted in a number of different ways. How astrology works, my version, anyway, is that I start with a birthday. Have to have a place to start.

Start at the beginning, seems to work best. Now there’s a Full Moon* with its concomitant fallout and associated agitations.

Start at the beginning. Don’t try and jump in mid-stream and just sail forward from that midway point, no, not going to work. You might have to halt what the project is, but you’ll find, in time, I was right: it’s better (faster, smoother, more efficient) to start at the beginning rather than trying improvise from some kind of a halfway point. Tempting as it may be to just pick up and pitch in with where everyone is at this moment?

Start at the beginning. Thank me next week, when you realize that saved you a lot of time and maybe a costly mistake or two.

astrofish.netPisces: "We stopped to look at the menu at this one place?" Buddy of mine, was describing a recent trip to the big city. "The prices? We looked at this menu, and I was sure that the prices were, like page numbers." This one buddy, I can never tell, is he really that rustic, or does he just play a part? Like a role, he’s adjusted to, and it’s easy for him to act like raw, unlettered and untutored — possibly unprincipled — individual.

I’m comfortable with him whether it’s an act or for real. Some days, Pisces and all, I’m not sure if he knows the difference. Like method acting, only, he’s not acting, it’s for real. So I don’t know if he really believed that comment about the page numbers and prices, or not. But it was a trip to the big city, and that is what I would expect.

That city? Sky-high prices. His tastes? Commiserate with that kind of pricing, and to be fair the way those menus are laid out? Could very easily be page numbers. But it was prices, and how to take this? It’s either humor, or, it’s not. There’s a Pisces element that is really pushing towards the top, demanding attention The problem being, is this a joke? Or is it a serious issue? Like me and my humorous friend, I’m not sure whether you should take the situation seriously. Although, it might require some serious Pisces attention.

astrofish.net Aries: I worked with one Aries girl, and we worked out a plan that saved her under the dire influence of Mars in Gemini. Whenever she felt like calling her ex-husband and either getting back together or yelling at him, she would write me an email instead. Because she felt both/all three, several times. This was several years ago, the last time Mars was in Gemini. Saved a lot of trouble for her, and eventually I was able to bill her for my time.

Costly mistakes were avoided by communicating with a third party rather than the object of the Aries ire. Or object of the Aries attention. Lust. Love. Hate. One of those. Not that the feeling are that far apart, either. That prevented the darling Aries lass from getting hooked up again with an ex who would then turn the recurrent fling into a major firestorm of epic proportions because that’s what happens with a passionate Aries. All I did was provide a valuable, impartial (not that impartial, mind you, I like Aries) place to vent, listen, rant, rave and otherwise prevent an unfortunate recurrence of romance.

It looks like a good idea at first, my excellent Aries friend. An that’s where it stops. Just because it looks like a good idea, at first, that doesn’t mean you should pursue this whole-heartedly. It’s that first communication, one where you’re mad then sad, then happy again? It’s that pesky Mars in Gemini doing it to you.

astrofish.net Taurus: I like art museums. Modern Art art museums, as well as various flavors of American, Pan-American, North American, and Western American art are also exciting. I’ve toured many museums, from the classics in France and Italy, to the moderns on each of the American coasts as well as the local stuff. To this day, one of the museum collections I saw that had an impact on me and my world view? It was "Mexican Calendar Art, 1930 – Present." Title might be a little off, but I’m sure I got the essence of the display right.

Consider though, that I am male, and there will be something of a prurient element in that calendar art. Sometimes it wasn’t too overt, but it always seemed to be there. Might be part of the whimsical and disposable nature of the art, used for a monthly calendar, maybe a yearly image, and then tossed. Kind of like horoscopes, huh. This isn’t about that, though, don’t know why you let me get sidetracked.

I’ve been to some museums, seen the house collection and remained remarkably uninspired. That will happen from time to time, there will be a museum, or a traveling exhibit, something, and it doesn’t do a lot for me. I fail to have an "art experience." Doesn’t ring my bell, doesn’t leave me profoundly sad, or happy, or changed in any way, other than I regretted the price of admission and the fact that it’s an hour or two I’ll never have again.

It’s about making the effort, and when it does happen, when you hit that museum experience that doesn’t seem to do it for you? Consider, too, that you’ve made a good faith effort to be enlightened, ennobled, and so forth, and that sometimes, like the rest of the week, that’s the way it goes. Show up. See what happens. It could turn out to be great if you lower your expectations.

astrofish.net Gemini: "I’ve dated four Left-Handed Libra guys. Never again!"

Okay. Got that message loud and clear. It was a question about signs, and then, when that little Gemini spouted that, I could easily read the symbolism. Didn’t even have to do her chart.

There will be a fifth (and sixth) Left Handed Libra guy along. Sure as can be. The question is, did the Gemini learn to leave them alone? Which of course, begs a question about what your Gemini lesson is, and whether you’ve learned not to touch the hot plate. Or the left-handed Libra guy.

astrofish.net Cancer: I walked into a coffee shop. Could be a bar, could be a restaurant. Could be a bakery, for all I care. In my example, when this happened, it was a coffee shop. The counter help nodded at me and passed a cup, with my name on it, to the girl at the coffee making machine. She just nodded at me. I mean, this was early on a summer’s morn, so it’s not like I had to be greeted otherwise. In their own way, that crew was doing exactly what they were supposed to do. Before any money changed hands, I was being tended to.

However, there wasn’t like humanity in that morning’s transactions. I didn’t feel like I was welcomed. More like, "Oh look, here’s Mr. ‘skinny double dry short cap’ for breakfast again." Which wasn’t the case at all, just that I looked a little surly. Surly to bed, and you know the rest? And they were merely reacting to my appearance, not what was warmly going through my brain.

The expected salutations and felicitations weren’t there. They might have been, if you pause and consider that my drink was expertly prepared and happily served. But I didn’t get the cheery "hello!" As a Cancer, you walk in and expect a certain degree of salutations and warm greetings. Doesn’t happen. But you do get the required coffee kick start. What part of the expectations aren’t met?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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