Time Machine Two

(Time machine from 6/11/06)

Unclear on the concept:
Being from Texas, where it’s hot most of the time, South, or Central Texas, anyway, where, or it looks to me, that 23 degrees, why I might still need a sweater (I think that’s 73 in my terms).

I’ve developed a fondness for Nero’s Cafe – Italian Coffee Company, as it’s a lot like any number of places, but the main ingredient in all the important drinks is coffee. More precisely, a well-poured shot of espresso and the house shot is a double. Me? That works just fine.

I asked if they did iced espresso, a warm and sultry afternoon in London.

“Ice? In the espresso? Okay, one or two?”

The guy making the coffee offered to put two small cubes of ice in the shot of espresso.

Crushed ice. A whole cup full. Pour the espresso over it. Really, there’s a language problem – if they only would speak proper English.

Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!

I was digging in the archives for that, “Espresso on ice” story since it fit nicely with horoscope links rolling over. Apparently, there was a big deal about espresso on ice. Around here? It just makes sense. Also means I stumbled across some favorite images.

Apple’s Big Cats:
Get your Mac OS Snow Leopard here!

Compare and contrast this one with these images.

Bexar County Line:
Original header image? Really, it showed up here, first.

Other images? Tourists Welcome. Always. Even here at home.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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