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Fishing Guide to the Stars
By Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2008-2009 Kramer Wetzel for astrofish.net
For the week starting: 9/24/2009

"Sell when you can, you are not for all markets."
Rosalind in Shakespeare’s As You Like It [III.v.60]

Mercury direct. Questions are always free, some answers require a cash deposit. The e-mail line is always on, "31" (24 and 7).

Upcoming: Lecture/workshop, one-stop astrology class: in El Paso.

    astrofish.net Libra: Yeah, happy birthday to the start of the Libra crowd. Got a good start going. How good? Yeah, well, not as good as I would like, and for that matter, not as good as you would like. However, there’s a start and the symbolism for this week’s planet mess can be categorized as "getting much better as the week progresses."

    Simple enough to sum up, and hard to see how this plays out, as there’s a little tension from various spots. The tension isn’t necessarily bad, per se, but it’s not altogether easy, either. And as a lovely Libra, you’d like it to be a lot easier. I’d like it to be easier, too. Which it will be, in a few weeks, as the sun progresses through your sign. However, this isn’t going to get your week off to a smooth start. Weekend. One of those, or maybe, both, neither one seems to start smoothly. However, give this time, step back and act magnanimous, act like you intended to take to long way around, act like the detour and delay was part of your plan.

    Doing so? Makes it easier to deal with the exigencies of the planet problems and also makes it seem to go smoother, which was the plan all along.

      "To err is human,
      To forgive is divine."
      (Neither is corporate policy.)

    astrofish.net Scorpio: I’d popped back home for a few moments, and I was typing something on a keyboard, probably answering your e-mail. I kept hearing the faintest echo of noise, like there was a TV on in another room, only there’s not really another room and there’s not really a TV. Only it was music. I plugged my phone and let it sync, then I typed some more e-mail answers.

    Or maybe I was surfing for something. Looking up an arcane bit of trivia, who knows? I kept hearing the faintest echo of music. I looked down, and I noticed, for one, I hadn’t taken the earbuds off the phone. And for two? The music was still playing; although, I thought I’d switched it off, like I commonly do. Finally, I did note that the music was cranked up so loud that the tiny earbuds were almost, barely audible. Might be a problem, playing music that loud, and I know, when I started out, that the individual portable musical unit (iPod) probably wasn’t that loud. But over the course of a hot September afternoon, music gets turned up and it wasn’t until I was in the relative quiet of home that I noticed how loud it was.

    As Mercury turns itself around, will you listen? What will happen? How will you realize that the music is up so loud? It’s matter of watching for the tell-tale signs, maybe not the big rolling noises, but the more quiet symbols, as we get turned around with Mercury. Listen.

      Mercury RX trilogy
      9.7.2009, 9.14.2009, 9.21.2009, 9.21.2009.

    astrofish.net Sagittarius: Pause. Reflect. Redirect. Three words that can give us, me and my Sagittarius brethren, three simple words that can keep us out of a lot of trouble.

    The most important in that list of commands is the first one, "Pause." Stop — that might be a more direct way to explain it. But there’s a strong hint that we’re about to rush off and do something we might regret later. If we’d only stop before and think before we rush out and say/do/act on that idea?

    Can save a world of heartbreak and pain, sorrow and woe. It’s mostly the Saturn/Venus/Mercury alignment that is the source of our trouble. Then, too, there’s the idea that "It’s better to beg forgiveness than ask permission," which, I’m sure, you’ve heard a time or two?

    Yeah, well, sometimes our luck can be counted on getting us out of trouble. This isn’t one of those times. Instead of banking on luck, instead of counting on charm and wit to rescue us? Little thought, a simple pause, that might make all the difference.

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    astrofish.net Capricorn: I’ve got an easy solution to Mercury woes: post-it notes. At one time, the post-it note was unique. These days? Yeah, not so much, really, I mean, it’s pretty common and the handy little notepads with some sticky on them? Available from a variety of manufacturers, from a number of sources I think I saw them for sale at a convenience store, down the street from here. Next to Beef Jerky and Pork Rinds, probably.

    Now, by the end of the week, we’re all but done with Mercurial Woes, such as they have been, but that’s where the idea of the post-it note comes in handy. Even though the actual influence of Mercury is starting to dissipate? That means it’s time to capture the good points to the Mercurial Woe, find a way to put that to use.

    See, I’m suggesting, in the last couple of days, you’ve had a brilliant idea. Or two, but I’m only banking on one. That idea was written on a post-it note and stuck up on the computer’s monitor. Or a similar location, whatever works for your Capricorn self. Then, that note slipped off. Glue didn’t hold, something happened, a burst of Mercurial wind made the note fall. In the next few days, you’ll happen across that note. Plan to get it in gear quickly. Idea from a note that slipped past the Capricorn purview? That’s what works, as we dog ourselves out of the Capricorn mess.

    Create your own energy. DIY Solar Power!

    astrofish.net Aquarius: I went fishing, about a month ago? Dog days of August. Not a good time to fish. Think I had fun, but that’s about all I remember, I’d have to check the website for more details of whatever it was I was doing. I was thinking about fishing as the coming month looks to be good for that. Mercury isn’t going to be backwards much longer, and all that’s left from that Mercurial event is a little backwash.

    How you want to deal with that backwash, how you choose to make use of the flotsam and jetsam that’s left behind? That’s strictly a choice thing on the part of Aquarius. Only suggestion I can make? Timing. Time and distance, will help give you a little break here. Don’t rush. Don’t be in a hurry. Last time we fished, my buddy was disgruntled and ready to call it day before the sun had reached its zenith. To be sure, we weren’t, like, catching a lot of fish. There were more boats on the lake than fish we’d caught. Which spoke to something, I’m not sure what.

    As we lazily motored back towards the boat dock, lunch, and the rest of the real world, I suggested one more cast, just sort of drift through a place close to the dock — a little inlet, and off the point there, I caught the only fish for the day. Wasn’t that big of a fish, but it was a fish. And therefore, I was happy. But that fish was caught with more patience and less skill than most. Which was the point for Aquarius, whether you’re fishing for Bass, like I was, or angling for something else.

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    astrofish.net Pisces: Tangible, growing excitement, you can feel it. It’s there, all right. You know that this is going to be good. There’s an abundance of trigger points, about three, and while this won’t line up with each and every Pisces at precisely the same moment, there is — by my count — three times in the coming week when these hit.

    Trigger points are good, the way I see it, and as my loyal Pisces friend, I would hope that you see it my way. I’m just trying to help. Which is what the planets are doing, too, they are trying to help. There’s a point, an issue, an item, a thing, but I’d go back to that original idea that it’s a point, an issue, and the planets are trying to help. Trying to get you on the right path. Trying to help you see the whole picture, not just part of the image, and making it so you can get a better understanding of what’s at stake.

    What counts. What doesn’t count. What is important. What isn’t important. It’s all about not fighting. It’s all about seeing the complete package, not just the parts that you want to see. While I’m the first to admit, I’d rather only see the good parts? As a Pisces, with this kind of influence, with trigger points hitting twice, thrice? Sort of hammers home a point. Sort of makes the message unmistakable, no?

    astrofish.netAries: I’ve got a buddy, he’s a pilot — Air Force pilot. No big surprise. He noticed that I have a collection of French Press coffee makers. He called it a "press pot" coffee maker. Seems they work well on US Air Force cargo carriers, and seems to be the pilot’s preferred coffee brewing method. Besides, of course, the purist’s point of view that a French Press makes the best cup of coffee. What was interesting to me, though, was the guy refused to call it a "French Press," which is odd, because the apparatus is frequently marketed as such.

    I didn’t quite get, or I pretended not to get, my buddy’s studious avoidance of the term "French." Must be a military tweak. However, I mean, I respect the military, I didn’t push the language point. But I’ve learned, the hard way, more often than not, when to back off, when not to make a point, when to not press my own issue, be it language or some other point.

    My little Aries friend? As much as it’s funny to harp on a point, like the nomenclature of a piece of coffee brewing equipment, or some other point? Don’t. There’s a time to press the point across, and then, there’s a time to let it alone. Let it alone for the time being. Just because Mercury will no longer be retrograde? That doesn’t mean this is a good time to get hung up on semantics.

      The secret behind The Secret.

    astrofish.net Taurus: Earlier this month, I’ve got a client who is both Taurus and waiter. He was going to get a reading, but something happened to his income. Right at the first of September, his income was cut in half, maybe two-thirds.

    s this a recession? Not really. He is dependent upon tourist traffic at the particular place where he works. While that’s not the only source of his income, it does represent more than half of his extra cash. Cash he would spend on me. When he cancelled, I explained that Mercury was backwards and I’d hear from him before the end of the month.

    The end-of-the-summer slump is over, the tourists are back and things are picking up again in Taurus. The indication is, though there is more money coming in; Mercury left you in a bind at work. Plan on spending the next week getting out of that bind and back on (Taurus) top.

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    astrofish.net Gemini: Stop. Right now, just stop.

    Halt. Do not proceed any further. Wait a minute. Take five. Give it a pause for the cause. What cause? The Gemini cause. Point: Mercury — the Gemini planet — was in apparent retrograde motion. Mercury is heading out of its retrograde pattern. Stop.

    Halt. Wait a minute. Give it pause long enough to figure out what the message from this last event was. Overall picture, the total scene, what stands out, good and bad, in the last three (3) weeks? Then, connect that theme, good or bad, to Mercury. In this coming week, there’s a final point where Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, all of that gets tangled up. Makes a point. Hammers that message home. Get a jump on this by figuring out what the theme is, what the symbolism, what the message is supposed to be about. Themes, very important, and it will differ from Gemini to Gemini.

    The inherent theme is obvious, if you just pause long enough to consider it.

    astrofish.net Cancer: Common occurrence: I wandered over to the trailer park’s laundry room to do a load of dirty clothes. Mostly shirts and shorts, no big problem, just kind of tired of sniffing my way through the dirty clothes to find something clean to wear. I emptied the laundry basket, packed two machines and started to feed my quarters. I must speak to the management about that, at some point, coin-operated is so archaic. Besides, for what they charge in rent? It should be free.

    I paused, looked at the second machine as the water was rushing in, and I peeled off my shirt. My sweaty, stinky shirt. I tossed it in that second load, and I wandered on homeward. The outside late September air was almost cool. Not really, but almost. For a minute, I thought I got a chill, and I shivered for a second. Like me, you’re going to shiver for a second, although, I doubt it’s because you’re half naked in the evening’s twilight. I doubt you threw your shirt in the laundry and you’re standing outside, looking up at the moon, as it gets bigger and bigger, and I doubt you’re cold even though it’s still a warm night.

    But you’re going to get that shiver, that hint, that suggestion that the seasons are turning. But as Mercury corrects its errant path, you’re going to find that little problems are less of an issue. Might be a small shiver down your spin, like me, but are you really cold? Or is it just not as blistering hot as it has been?

    astrofish.net Leo: Mercury is going to make one, last punctuation mark. This whole Mercury Retrograde pattern has had an effect on you, and like I’ve suggested, there’s one, last mark it’s going to leave. Is this good or bad? Sort of depends on how willing you are to let bygones be bygones. Depends on how willing you are to let the past be the past. Also depends on how willing you are to let someone else stand in the Leo spotlight for the next few days.

    Here’s the hint: let that other person, the other sign, stand in the Leo’s spotlight, fame and accolades that were for your Leo self? Let some other sign take the credit right now. Let this sort of go. I realize, as a good Leo, the good Leo, you don’t let things go completely. I’m good with that. I’m not asking for much, just about a week’s time. Let it go, or pretend to let someone else take the credit, for this next week.

    Payoff for Leo? You get full credit, not just a nod, and you get richly rewarded. Just not this next few days. Let it slide. For now.

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    astrofish.net Virgo: There are three or four planets I’m concerned with. While Mr. Mercury ceases his retrograde pattern, there’s a little kick to everything about it, courtesy of Mr. Saturn. On the opposite side? Uranus, adds a small punch to the Mercurial tricks. All the while? Venus is loping along in the beginning of the Virgo, the early stages, as it were.

    The players are set.
    But what does this mean? There’s a perfectly ordered idea, a plan, if you will, in your Virgo mind. You’ve worked out the contingencies, figured the odds, played around with the numbers, sketched out the ideas, and yes, it should work. Only it won’t. No mater how well you figure, there’s always something that pops up, goes awry, is miscommunicated, or — a personal favorite — "they didn’t follow my instructions." It is going to work out, but no one is going to follow the Virgo plan. In fact, none of your efforts are liable to be recognized.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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