Rainy day news:
Via a self-styled journalism lab, a note about Google. Pull out quote:
…Google outlines its “vision of a premium content ecosystem” that includes subscriptions…
Maybe my move in 2003, perhaps that wasn’t so ill-considered, after all. Stay tuned, as subscribers get the first shot at a new book of mine.
There are some weekends, Mercury is backwards and all, but some days, all I can do is amass a collection of weird links. Either they meant something individually, or the link intrigued me, or, in at least one example, I can’t recall what I was doing. Linking. Looking.
Carefully crafted corporate misdirection? Cool.
Carefully crafted corporate (tabloid) Alien Baby
Mercury in Retrograde and bait. Shrimp.
13 (more) things that don’t make sense.
Sitcom. I wonder if each of my individual scopes are thusly structured?
Like silly putty.
More for the fine print:
We will contact you relating only to specific transactions, or if you have requested information; we will not spam you. We will never under any circumstances share, sell, or rent your individual personal information to anyone, unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is available only to employees managing this information for the purposes of contacting you or sending you emails related to specific transactions, or pursuant to a specific request by you for information.
Viva Zapatos!(Might have that wrong)
“Prefiero morir de pie
Que vivair de rodillas”
(I prefer to die on my feet than to live on my knees)
Emiliano Zapata [1879-1919]
Gone Fishing:
Says it all.
This web journal is brought to you by astrofish.net without your support, none of this would be possible.
More Mercury RX tales.
More on Humble Oils – the image, not the oil company.
This is NOT a photo-op.
7 Reasons to subscribe.
Pay Box (I’m still cheaper).
One word: Starbucks.
Plants in apparent retrograde.