Hard, but not impossible, since it’s such a photogenic town: Day of the Dead, flowers, sun, and purple on the plaza.
Hard, but not impossible, since it’s such a photogenic town: Day of the Dead, flowers, sun, and purple on the plaza.
© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for astrofish.net &c. astrofish.net: breaking horoscopes since 1993.
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well, If I can’t make it to Mexico next year for Day of the Dead, I’m heading to San Antonio. Your photos are wonderful! Keep ’em coming!
Great picture..
The flower arrangements are excellent and very colourful.
Thank you for sharing!
Friendship is the most beautiful relationship on earth. Share this wonderful relationship with the most beautiful object on earth the flowers. Flower is the symbol of joy, love, happiness, and passion. Every flower has its own image and importance and its own emotion symbol.
Hello there, nice to be here..I will be glad to hear from you soon.
great shot!
You might know the names of some flowers that I have posted, coz I don’t know them. Hope to see you!
Lovely and vivid in color!
The skeleton vase is quite unique in the autumn arrangement and the cherub at the bottom is a surprise and almost hidden.
Nice shot!