Shared dreams

You’re regular, if you’d like, you can sneak-peek at the upcoming format. Way too many features to list, but a couple of high points include: - horoscopes &c.

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Feeds in your email, or wherever you read them. However. Whomever.

I doubt I’ll switch the site until 2010, making this a gradual roll-out of new services, but the idea is sound. Just seeing if anything breaks. Kick the tires. Let us know what you think.

The dream? Wishes, dreams, visions?
I had a goal, some years back, I wanted to go from my trusty Word Processor to some kind of content delivery system that didn’t entail me coding my word processor document in a third party piece of software then uploading to the site’s root. Or whatever.

Years ago, how long we don’t say, fredlet worked at a company that made web-coding software. I got a “preview” copy, I think. Then wound up buying the software because it greatly facilitated the whole web-building experience. At one time, I was managing a dozen websites for various clients, and that was easy.

But tedious. I’m not interested in managing anything but my own sites now. Pet projects like the scraper, and, of course, the pet-project, and its offspring.

Manageable from any web browser, any location, and after the pieces are put into place? No hard work required. All I need is my word processor. Straight from the spell-checker to the site with no intermediaries. How sweet. Getting closer.

Portable Mercury Retrograde:

The Portable Mercury Retrograde’s Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde three-four times in a calendar year. Warnings, dire threats, problems, and some solutions, in this handy tome.

Pitfalls, pratfalls, guidelines, remedies and foibles of the human spirit. The Portable Mercury in Retrograde sets out to dispel some of the errant mythology about the phase of Mercury and how to best harness these disparate energies.

EAN-13: 9781449911508

Ah, stoned. That’s the lyric, right?

“Austin, Austin…”

The football game (UT versus some other team), commentator, “He’s from out of Texas, he was playing at Plano East…”

Referring to Plano, TX. While parts of Texas wouldn’t want to admit it, yes, that Plano is in Texas.

What I heard. Too tired to listen to the game.

Wait, one more, “Texas, everything is big, the capital building, that’s it there, it’s bigger than any other state’s capital except one, the one in Washington….”

7 feet taller, and Washington, DC? “DC” stands for “District of Columbia.”

Oh, never mind. Sports commentators.

“Ya’ll ain’t from around here.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for &c. breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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  • Sarah Nov 24, 2009 @ 11:35

    “Let sleeping dogs lie” is the message I’m hearing for this week. Yes?

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