Old Austin

Brother Gary:
I’m unsure of the root. Or what’s too much information, as I’ve often be accused of revealing too much. However, there’s always “Brother Gary.” From his roots in old East Austin, as in, back in the day, when the drinking age was 18, and the biggest deal was whether you could reach the bar.

“I was only 15, and they served me.”

He does two things, lives in the Big Easy these days. The first is simple, he’s a massage therapist. The second part? This is truly old Austin at its finest: concealed handgun training.

Never did figure out how to put those two together, either, concealed carry permit and a massage. One low price?

I would just make sure to use that Sagittarius stentorian tone, “Brother Gary.” Reverence. Should hear a little reverence and awe.

astrofish.net’s Shady Acres Trailer Park:
“Just because you can’t afford a house
doesn’t mean you can’t afford comfortable living!”

Let me say:
This about that. It was a long, dry summer, near record drought. The sepia shot, wasn’t much fiddling, that was the color of the ground cover, such as it was.

Part of the holidays:
Connie’s 30 Day Blog challenge.

Last minute Xmas shopping?
Three option come to mind:

1) astrofish.net/book books are always good…
2) BarefootAstrology.com video…
3) Readings & Astrology Chart Reports (on sale now)…

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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