I called it “portable” because, as books go, it’s portable enough, barely 80 pages of content, then enough fluff and filler to make it the requisite length.
On the eve of retrograde holiday season, I finally got a book and price to match each other. $8.99 through the printer.
This 100% post-consumer, recycled material. I don’t know if it is the best or the worst, but it is all mine. In time for the holiday and in time for Mercury going Retrograde.
More information is available through the astrofish.net/book page.
The cover artwork was great fun, too. That’s an original from the side project, a bizarre collection of old console, vacuum-tube, cathode-ray tube TV sets.
They were piled by the side of the road. Behind the post office.
Conjecture and some speculation via a mighty Leo, something about the little house with an attached shop, was, at one time, a TV repair place. Then the hoarding, part of a generation that would hold onto stuff, and honestly? I looked at a few of those console TV sets with furniture lust. Pull out the out-dated guts, install a flat-screen? Clean and polish the cabinetry? Be kind of fun. (And, once again, more work than I am willing to perform, but it was a nice mental exercise.)
I toyed with several layouts, but the one I chose was a combination of factors, old, dead TV tech. Communications devices, abandoned and left by the side of the road, as good an image as anything for a book about how to deal with Mercury in apparent retrograde motion.
A fishing buddy was looking at the proof copy of the book, The Portable Mercury Retrograde, and he was confused about the title.
“The ‘potable’ Mercury Retrograde,” he asked, “it’s drinkable?”
The best tonic to wash down Mercurial Woes.
Part of the holidays:
Connie’s 30 Day Blog challenge.
The cover is perfect. The writing is witty and insightful. The perfect gift for everyone, since Mercury Retrograde is in all our scopes, mucking around with our best laid plans. Read the inside scoop. Get the book.