Two-Meat Tuesday

Omnia Explorate, Meliore Retinete:
The weekly audio forecast file is available here, and the video is part of the subscriber service.

Picture in Picture:
Just a simple sidewalk image, and I’m unsure of the exact location. Southside, for sure. The guideline I adhere to in such situations? No posing. Just click and amble on.’s Shady Acres Trailer Park:
“Just because you can’t a house
doesn’t mean you can’t
afford comfortable living!”

Not Rude:
While regional differences are often mocked, and I discovered – the hard way – I can’t date women not born in Texas – it’s a regional allegiance thing – I have found that the regional and colloquial use of terms like “darling” and “baby” tend to be misunderstood by non-Southerners.

“That poor, poor child.”

Or, my favorite, “Cute shoes.”

Overheard on the inter-web, “Is buying a ‘my little pony’ a gateway to harder things like Barbie(tm)?”

Sales & Marketing:
Here’s the problem: one of the key points in sales and marketing is the “social” factor, as in “everyone’s doing it, so I should do it too…”

Which would be excellent. Everyone is signing up, you should, too!

Problem: my material doesn’t translate well. I’m of the Marx School of Thought on this one, “I wouldn’t belong to an organization that would have me as a member.” (Groucho)

Might have the quote wrong.

Part of the holidays:
Connie’s 30 Day Blog challenge.

Habits, reviewed:
I couldn’t tell, either I didn’t hit the “publish” button, I’m not a member of the gang, or I answered the e-mail too late, but seems like I was dropped from “30 Days of Blog Posting” challenge.

I’d be upset, but how upset can I be about something that’s already habitual behavior for me? Makes a me a ringer for the challenge.

Dollar, reviewed:
The site Sky Friday uses an automated link-building piece of software. That was part of the inspiration, finally locating a piece of software that did what it was supposed to do, worked correctly, right out of the box. I’ve suggested it and forwarded its information to several site owners who have found it useful.

Couple of days back, the owner of the original site, the guy who wrote the software, he sent out an e-mail to all sites using his software, the contents of the note including all the bazillions of hits served, the amount of traffic, the huge bandwidth requirement, the untold hours of development, the usual pitch.

He asked for $24 per site. Asked, didn’t demand, and I’d step in to point out, part of the appeal was the original price, free. However, the price compares favorably, with the added bonus of much more reliable than the competition. No outages, fewer issues, does what it’s supposed to do.

If my site had more traffic, of if there was a way to make money off that traffic, I’d send the guy the $24.

Xmas time, things are too tight.

Best comment?

“Perfect the Play Station generation.” (sic.)

Last minute Xmas shopping?
Three options come to mind:

1) books are always good…
2) video…
3) Readings & Astrology Chart Reports (on sale now)…

Self-imposed guidelines work, sometimes. However, try and catch an image that includes sky, some kind of a typical local landmark and make it unique in its own way. Constraints? Not really, not for me. Just guidelines that are fun hunting. Looking for the edges, trying to find the limits.

One Thing:
Do one thing, right. Or well. Or medium rare.

Pepper porn.

Inbound mail:
Java, anyone?

“I was debugging code, man…”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for &c. breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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  • Sarah Dec 15, 2009 @ 10:04

    Listening to Bach “Magnificat” and reading Xenon–from one extreme to the other. Can’t say my tastes aren’t catholic, darling. Cute shoes! Jubilate Deo….

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