
Single Image Link:
It’s another shot of the San Fernando Cathedral, alongside Main Plaza, downtown San Antonio. That, in and of itself, isn’t the big deal. Part of it is an extension to a thematic element, explored earlier, with mixed media, and visual pun, for my mind, mixing sepia and water elements in a single image.

Sometimes, as I’ve noted before, what’s important is what’s missing. That last shot, water, fountains, from what I understand, the city’s just turned the water back on, but no, that’s not the point – I did a quick-draw with my handy phone to snap a shot of another tourist taking a picture with his handy phone. Same type of phone (iPhone). I missed it completely. Wasn’t quick enough on the draw. I didn’t want to appear too obvious, as well.

Just my attempt at fun. Didn’t work out, but then, it was water, and the old cathedral, old by American standards, it was mostly a sepia scene anyway. Didn’t hurt.

In my own mind, it’s a failure as a shot, but then, that’s also what the simple side project is all about. Failures are not always failures.

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Primitive Art:
Art work from Lascaux (the cave in France).

Real Quick:
The common fruit fly: Drosophila Melanogaster (Latin name).

Two Things:
I never really did an adequate wrap-up of 2009. Double-oughts are over, and there were two items that changed, in my life, and changed my life, for the better, in 2009.

Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar 7:
It was everything and much, much more. The cost of the seminar itself has more than paid for itself in revenue, not to mention the connections and fun.

That’s a singular experience I can’t recall having anything else like it recently.

The other, tangential?

Transcendental Meditation:
I took a class. Local “guru,” a Pisces. Taught “Transcendental Meditation,” and that alone, was the best step forward.

20 minutes, twice a day. Adds years to life and improves the overall outlook. In my analytical mind, it’s the perfect blend of Eastern Mysticism and Western Brain. 20 minutes, twice daily, morning and evening. Can’t recommend it high enough. Life changing and affirming.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for &c. breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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  • Sarah Feb 2, 2010 @ 10:01

    I meditate twice a day, too, though I’m not sure it’s for 20 minutes. Don’t time it. Midday I lie down at lunch time (required by heart situtation) then take the second 30 minutes of lunch for quiet time and meditation. Makes all the difference in the world. I can tell by how jangled and tired I feel if I’m deprived of the lunch break by circumstances beyond my control.

    And again, before going to bed. Quiet, review the day (to clear the mind) and meditate. Not only for longevity but for my sanity as well, in a world getting less and less sane by the day. imho

    Personally, I like your sepia cathedral photo. Reminds me a lot of a particular place on the Stanford campus.

  • Kramer Feb 2, 2010 @ 10:24

    Sounds very similar. The whole point of taking a class from a “guru,” although Buddha would be better term, as the ethics are very Buddhist in sentiment, if not in litany and liturgy, the whole “Transcendental Meditation” moniker (trademark, really), is that it’s a marriage of Western and Eastern. Works well, for me, the right amount of structure.

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