Previously, dumped to As an exercise, I ran my odd collection of images from England, mostly just a London borough, into a back directory and served it off the family’s old website. Sort of a back-end hack.

Sooner or later, maybe never, but I’m wagering soon enough, I’ll need to find a new home for the image index. Since I already have the name and the technology to just run this out as a single, daily entry image, a photo-blog of London, I could do that.

I think I’ve got enough images to do a single image every day for about two years. Probably more than that, but as I’ve noted before?

Not every picture is good.

Texas Legation to the Court St. James

Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but Austin, as a home-town, it’s a bit strange.

Travel broadens horizons, there’s something about the way it all works. Going is good but getting home is good, too.

Back at work.

The overseas flight just fries my brain. Basically, I’m up for 24 hours without a lot to do. Read a book. Got a good one to read. Had a great revelation, alas, it’s lost in the porous memory membrane.

Final Notes:
(as if)
There’s a near permanent display at the Museum of London that I regrettably missed this last trip. Even better, it ties to a recent Roman excavation near the original wall for the Roman City of London. It’s a stone carved astrology wheel, and I was thinking – since I didn’t visit it this time – or its original location – that I was considering its archetype energy. The 12-part wheel, each slice defined by a constellation’s name and figure, how this carries meaning, to me, to this day.

The charts I read….

The piece is from a Temple of the Cult of Mithras.

Shy Town:
Long layover. Flight was early to arrive, late to leave. Had me some ‘dirty (Asian) rice.’ This is America, I’m unsure of the native language being spoken behind the counter, but I’m pretty sure, while it was Mandarin, or Korean, or Vietnamese, even, I’m pretty sure the speakers were long-time US citizens. Just a hunch. Remember, last time I had dirty rice with unknown animal parts, tasted like chicken, it was on the street in Camden Town. This was Chicago’s O’Hara International. The funny event with the security guard? Outside? Never mind.

The price was about the same, 4 pounds, 8 bucks with tax, the quality, about the same with a nod towards the Camden Lock version as tastier. The difference? In America, the serving size was twice as large. Therein is the difference.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • Sarah Mar 13, 2010 @ 19:00

    Austin is your home, but your mail goes to San Antonio? I always wondered about that. Glad you liked the page about walking on rail roadbeds. The book it came from is pretty good. Looking at the parts of the city scape that no one ever pays much attention to, behind strip malls, backyards and alleys, old railroad rights of way–by foot or bicycle.

    Like the “Coffee for Less” artwork over here to my right. “You can sleep when you’re dead.” Yeah, that’s about right. Who wrote the following lines (some Cavalier poet?) “The grave’s a fine and private place, But none do there I think embrace…..”

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