Thames Watery Wednesday

Best Questions:
Sister stopped and asked a laconic guard where the (some Italian/French/German Renaissance/Impressionist/Pointillist) was. He suggested, out here, to the left, and then over another wing, or maybe, around here, then to the right, same way, just keep going until you see it.

“Hey, what’s the best question you’ve heard? No, I mean, tourists are a funny lot, what’s the weirdest question one’s asked?”

He looked at me. He looked at Sister. He looked back.

“You know the Sainsbury Wing?” Where is previous directions were leading, she’d asked for it by name.

“Some people come in with their Sainsbury card and want to know if they can use the points to get in.”

For the less traveled, non-UK people: Sainsbury is a chain of grocery stores. Like the A&P? The HEB, in my country (Texas). They have a frequent buyer (frequent flyer) card. The guard thought he was going to have to back up and explain it to us. Having just shopped at Sainsbury, I understood, watching locals swipe the key-fob for the credits.

Lord Sainsbury, the namesake for both the retail giant (presumably) and the Sainsbury Wing, yeah, never mind.

Guess you had to be there.

Sainsbury Organic

Sainsbury Organic

Just added: horoscopes are certified organic, Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • Hootin' Anni Mar 3, 2010 @ 4:37

    The river scene is so pretty…love the lighting from the sun too.

    My Wednesday photo is a BROWN PELICAN at the marina [I also have another photo, by link, of the same pelican that is much better…a close up on my photo blog].


    Hope your Wednesday is treating you well.

  • liebe Mar 19, 2010 @ 17:20


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