
I’ve got a single image, rather, I shot a half roll of film, but got one or two images, it’s a piece of history that’s gone. The relationship between that single image, and this site, it’s purely geographical, both within a few hundred yards.

Unable to trace the exact route, buried between personal history, local lore, and the sands of time, sprinkled with a tourist note, there’s a tale about what that used to be. It was, according to garbled local mythos, a pool hall, grocery store, bar, ice house, gathering place, town hall, home to activists and artists, or abandoned history, plowed under.

There was, at one time, a gas station, not more than a few square yards of leaning bricks with an old “Flats Fixe” sign. The gas tanks were dug up and the ground sanitized, the buildings were then all leveled and there’s nothing now.

While in an art gallery, I saw an image of the old building, recognizing it from my photo, and I asked. Part of the jumbled history. Again, in connection with a preservation society, I heard about the building. I mentioned it, and the white girl told me to, “Let it go.”

Once investors, real estate people, developers get involved, some history can be paved over. Apparently. It’s that slow and ineffable march of progress.

Just once, I want a place that doesn’t fall in the category of, “I love you just the way you are, now change.”


Liberal Agenda:
I classify myself as a liberal and Texan, and I love misinformation.

This week, in Scorpio (subscription required), there’s a reference to sugar cones. The proper, Mexican name is used. New use, and I’ll mention it again on Monday, part of the bonus reel in the weekly video.

The recipe, thus far, and this still in development, but so far, it’s a half cone of Mexican Brown Sugar, three green-tea tea-bags, and half gallon of hot water. Steep and let cool overnight. Excellent green tea. No preservatives or other items like high-fructose corn syrup. Not as sweet as locally available “sweet tea,” no cloying sugary effect, just enough, half a cone, to cut the green tea’s astringent edge. Not too sweet, not to tart. Accentuate and ameliorate.

Serving Pearl Beer since 1890.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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© 1993 – 2025 Kramer Wetzel, for astrofish.net &c. astrofish.net: breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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  • Sarah Apr 5, 2010 @ 12:51

    well, darlin’, is there an envelope in my future?

    we have a slang term for the truncated cone of brown sugar, referring to an part of the anatomy not mentioned by prudish Americanos, because of its supposed resemblance thereto. I like your green tea recipe; I’ve been making green tea with raw sugar for quite a while now, just enough, as you said, to cut the edge, and never thought of using the Mexican brown sugar. Thanks for the tip!

  • Scott Apr 6, 2010 @ 9:48

    I know that Pearl sign could be in a thousand places, but the picture looks like Josephine’s. Which reminds me…it’s about time for my semi-annual CFS, x-g.

  • Kramer Apr 6, 2010 @ 17:48

    Across the street: Liberty. Which is moving to the (pink) Convent on S. Alamo that has them folks upset.

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