On Sale Now!

I wrote about a similar observation, I think it’s in a horoscope.

Not in that scope, and I’m not digging. The observation was a nod to the retail giant of the world. The “before” holiday price was like a dollar whereas the “after” price was two dollars. Double the “before” price and perfect for people who wait until after the holiday to get what they want – thinking it will be on sale.

The Portable Mercury Retrograde
astrofish.net’s Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde three-four times in a calendar year. Warnings, dire threats, problems, and some solutions, in this handy tome.

Pitfalls, pratfalls, guidelines, remedies and foibles of the human spirit. The Portable Mercury Retrograde sets out to dispel some of the errant mythology about the phase of Mercury and how to best harness these disparate energies.

Published source: Available NOW $8.99

EAN-13: 9781449911508

Also available:
Buy Now (eBook/PDF file): $2.95

Should have some subtext about “Why I won’t buy an iPad this week, or next week…” I do love me my cutting edge technology. Bought the first round of iPhone, without too much waiting in line. Not like it was a big deal.

Later, I wrote about the upgrade process.

Newer, faster network: Now with 5G! Blazing Fast!

When Apple first introduced the “titanium” PowerBook, I wanted one. It was a Mercury Retrograde introduction, so I waited. Turns out there was significant flaw in the first three weeks, fixed later. I bought the later revision. Worth the wait. Many years later, I still have that old laptop. Can’t seem to give it up. I love its design, the sleek, style, the – at the time – huge screen. Came in at under 5 pounds if I recall, which I might have wrong, and despite the inter-webs being friendly places for useless data, I’m disinclined to look. I prefer my revisionist history.

It’s about bleeding edge technology, and what the device does. Phones? I use them a lot, handle my business via the the phone. I’ve even spun off a side-project or two that include iPhone photography.

I have one, really, several, astrology programs on my phone. It’s a little cumbersome to do a detailed reading, but it does yield, quick, useful information like the position of the planets at a given moment. Or where that pesky moon is.

I’ve never got the WordPress iPhone plugin to work correctly. It works for a little while, then it hits overload. While I’m enamored of the idea of administrating a WordPress motor from the phone, so far? It hasn’t worked. I’m not likely to waste a lot of my own time messing with it to make it work, either. Nice idea, but execution leaves something.

I’ve flown enough to know that the take-off and land time, the first few minutes after the door close and the last 10,000 feet before arrival, I know that’s when I need a book. The no electrical devices leaves me with the inflight catalog of useless crap that looks nice, or reading material of my own design.

The bare-bones iPad, at $499 has limited appeal to me. That’s a half-year of books. I’d like the 3G, wireless, 64-bit whizz-bang dew-hicky. That plus software? Probably run a grand.

My current laptop, the only thing I have it do is charge the iPhone and suck the pictures off the phone. Doesn’t schedule or anything else, the laptop is now a satellite. As is the phone. While overseas, I used the phone for pictures and text messages, nothing more.

That iPad has limited use for me. I can’t, like record 20 readings in a row. Or use it as a truly wireless slate computer, not yet. As it matures, though, I’m sure I’ll need one. Eventually.

The text version of all my books are rated “safe for iPad,” purchase at astrofish.net/book.

It’a favorite image. Texas Mattress. South Flores, in San Antonio. Originally, it was a simple snap shot of an enigmatic sign, but the capture happened, I tried several times, but it was that first time, on a walk, in a “not so good” neighborhood, then, just a simple crop to make the image more palatable, and I like it.

The wires are left in the scene. No digital magic to airbrush the high-wires out. Not a lot of anything done to the image in the way of post-processing manipulation. Just a picture.

South Flores is a trip, on and off the beaten path. At one end, it just about starts at the historic town square, literally, the 100 block is about the San Fernando Cathedral, and the street, the route, the avenue, South Flores, stretches southwards until….

I have yet to explore the southern terminus of the street. Its name is derived from the frequent occurrence of flower shops and “botanicas,” at one time, along the route. The shops like that, the ones I’m familiar with, they usually sell herbs, spices, candles, spells, potions, unguents, emollients, crosses, and a cultural array of religious icons that defy any sociological or anthropological classification. From Greco-Roman to African, Catholic and Aztec, all sort of jumbled together.

The street varies, closer to downtown, there are some rather tony and upscale housing, including some new downtown construction. However, further south, the state of repair deteriorates, and some of the neighborhoods appear seedier.

I’d rather not explore after dark. Not a condemnation, just observation.

Daylight is fine. Again, I’m not known for good judgement in such matters. I did notice that the neighborhoods did appear to be kept up, just not as expensive as some. Some of the ghost signs tell the stories,

Like the phases of the moon, the values and relative standards wax and wane. Why I liked that Texas Mattress sign so well.

Token from my travels? I bought some “Fast Luck” oil. Buena Suerte.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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