“When life give you lemons, make lemonade!”
(Bumper sticker wisdom)
“When life gives you lemon, GOT TEQUILA?”
(Fishing Guide to the Stars quote)
I can’t legitimately advocate tequila as a solution to a sour situation, not really. However, the proper solution is easy, or easier. I fished Friday, and there were several squall lines we avoided. Just sort of motoring around in the flats. Not really trying too hard, just dodging some rain, more hit and miss than serious effort.
From the outside looking in, it looked like it would’ve been an absolutely crap day on the water. Squalls and heavy weather, wind, rain, bite was off, and yet, between a couple of good guides, it turned out to be a stunning success, with lots of fun in between.
Here’s the secret: move. Change. We’d fish one favorite hole, and with no luck, or, as it was, with one fish on, we’d motor off to another spot. Catch another fish.
The duck and dodge rainstorm action, the movement, it was more meandering, and staying out of harm’s way than anything else. Looked back at the port, five miles behind us. Heavy rain. We’re dry, for the moment.
It’s all about duck, dodge, weave.