Musical Notes

I’d like to think I’m diversified. I really do love me some twangy Texas tunes, that’s for sure. The “Austin” sounds, which are common in more places than just Austin. However, this isn’t about sound, it’s about adapting to a new world.

I’ve already noted how one Aquarius pointed out that his nieces and nephews never bought “albums,” and for that matter, they don’t purchase, in the conventional sense, music. Born after MTV was a staple then Napster and whatever else, those darn kids are up to these days.

The story is about three different “albums” that I wanted to acquire. Wrote down on piece of paper. Tucked in my wallet. Next time I wandered as far north as Waterloo (Waterloo Records in Austin), I was going to pick up all three as CDs.

Waterloo is the last of a dying breed, a largely independent “record” store, although, they have a very limited selection of true vinyl. About an acre and a half of music, though. Tickets, trinkets, toys and t-shirts, too. Overwhelmingly, though, it’s music.

The three “albums” I was looking for:

1. New Chemical Brothers
2. New Prodigy
3. New Hank III

First stop was iTunes then Amazon. Digging in Amazon showed that Hank III had another release of his harder stuff. I’ve got most of that material on “bootlegs,” which, be honest, really don’t qualify as true bootlegs if its the artist’s merch table and the proceeds go to the artist, in this case, Hank III himself. That direct-to-consumer business. Nice note that it was released on his original record label, Curb, wherein, at one time, there was deep discord. Probably that “explicit lyrics” label.

From my Amazon ads, I had some “store credit,” like trading in used CDs at El-Cheapo. Bought that first Hank III CD, first item I purchased on the list. I’ll wait on its companion CD.

Next was the new Chemical Brothers, but it’s been so long since I’ve been in an actual music store, bricks and mortar, and I tend to favor independents, like the aforementioned Waterloo, and that, being too far north at the moment, I looked elsewhere. I would pause in superstores and big box stores, long enough to scan the music rows for one of these albums, with no success.

I’d like to think that musical taste are a little off-beat. Not really.

I used an Apple iTunes gift card for that Chemical Brothers “album.” I still think an “album” should be large and vinyl with striking cover art.

Finally, the third item in the list, bubba promised he’d bring his CD over next time we hang.

Bought one CD, bought one as an iTunes download, and I’m still waiting to rip a copy from a friend. I know he paid full price for his CD. I wouldn’t borrow like that, but I’ve got duplicate copies of a number of CDs from that artist. Can’t feel bad. Besides, Bubba hasn’t shown up yet. I might have to buy that CD, too – if I ever find it in a store.

Two Meat Tuesday (the book)
Pink Cake A commonplace book. (A Friday Photo)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • rhubarb Sep 19, 2010 @ 8:25

    your musical tastes are indeed diversified. trust me on this one.

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