Fishing Guide to the Stars for the week 10.14.2010

“For nature crescent, does not grow alone
In thews and bulk; but, as this temple waxes,
The inward service of th mind and soul
Grows wide withal.”
Shakespeare’s Hamlet [I.iii.16-9] Libra: The heaviness leaves, but there’s still a lingering sense that something’s amiss. Not badly off track, just a little askew. There’s a (Libra) movie-maker, and his company name used to be “View Askew.” Which accurately captures the sense in Libra Land. Not bad, bad, just a little off. Which, if I know my Libra, is a little wrong. A little off isn’t good for a little Libra.

I can’t fix any of this “off” stuff, the feeling that there’s something askew. What I can do is remind you not to panic, not get all worked up and remember that there is a planet retrograde, in such a fashion, the planet’s retrograde motion, to make the little Libra a tad off beat. Off beat and weird works for me.

However, most of the Libra folks I know? That’s not really the way they like to see the world. Maybe, though, if you think about it, if you understand that you’re a little tilted to the left, or the right or rocking back forth from the left to the right? If you understand that you’re off by small amount? Maybe that will help.

    Venus in Retrograde special: If your birthday is this week, here’s the deal, book a half-hour phone reading and get a full hour for the half hour price. Valid for online booking only and valid only if your birthday is this week. (Some restrictions may apply.) Scorpio: I recommended a book, actually, I recommended an author’s series, to a friend. Didn’t like the first book. Didn’t agree with her tastes. Didn’t make sense to me. However, another buddy picked up the same book, I didn’t recommend it so much as he swiped it from me, and he loved it. Asked to borrow the next book in the series, then bought the third since I wasn’t around to loan him my copy, and so forth. Finally made it through the whole series. I just didn’t think it was something that my buddy would like. Too frivolous, on the surface.

The material itself was quite good, not too much sermonizing, and more than enough action to carry it all along and make it all fun. Maybe that’s why he liked the series. Doesn’t much matter. It’s a simple example of where I was completely wrong about matters of taste. It was just pot-boiler romance/mystery/crime stuff. Not exactly high-brow.

Still, I was completely off in my recommendations. Not just bad, but way wrong. I’m usually a good judge of such matters, what kind of books and authors certain friends will like. Usually. Good judge. Venus? Back-ass-wards? In Scorpio? Guess what? You’re going to get caught with a situation just like mine. Doesn’t make sense. Sagittarius: The Mexican culture I live around is gearing up for another three day celebration. The white boys got Halloween, the Church got All Saints, and there’s Dia de los Muertos. However, as I was passing through San Antonio’s downtown square, the other day — at lunchtime, I noticed a band playing in the square, I stopped and watched, listened.

Traditional “corriedos,” in Spanish. Accordion, minimal drum set, stand-up bass, guitar. All swarthy hispanic-looking gentlemen, sounded good and tight.

Until I got closer. The bass player was white. Anglo. White-boy. With the biggest sombrero of the outfit. He would harmonize in eloquent Spanish, and since it was a live set, it was good. Still, there’s just something intrinsically wrong with such a pasty white fellow in with beautiful, ethnic music. Songs and language born out of the land and landscape.

Just wrong. We have Venus Backwards in the sign prior to Sagittarius. My sentiment, I’m not sure everyone will feel this way, but my feelings about how wrong it is for a white musician to participate in a rich, ethnic tradition, just not right? My feelings won’t be felt by many. However, Sagittarius? You understand my indignation. We’re funny like that, get all up on our high horse about a stupid little issue. The music? The group was good. Capricorn: The perfect Capricorn costume? There’s a few of my fine Capricorn friends who will be amused, and many more might be offended, at least, at first. The suggestion is the best bad guy in recent history, Darth Vader. While he’s a wholly fictional character, there’s a school of thought that suggests the character represents a serious archetype and therefore, this is valid mythology. I just like the black mask, the black cape, the black boots, the helmet that covers everything.

Cool. No one can see in. No one knows what’s really going on behind the glossy black eyes. The voice, who was that? Did the first voice? Good stuff. I like black. In various versions of me, I’ve worn a lot of black.

Black (in New Age terms) reflects negative energy. With Venus backwards? Need something to reflect away the negative influence of Venus and her inaction. Why I’m thinking a protective suit, like Darth Vader’s get-up, something that encompasses, protects, and might even scare a few people. Aquarius: “We’ve been through this, haven’t we?” Yes, yes we have.

However, it’s back, one more time. There’s nothing I can do but read the portents, and the symbols are all about a little issue that you avoided. Looks like you just stepped to one side while this issue went flying past, like, getting out of the way of a speeding bicyclist.

The pavement is narrow, and the cyclist was clearly intent on one goal, and pedestrians (Aquarius) weren’t really factored in, so, being prudent at the time? You stepped out of the way. The cyclist, or whatever that issue is? You took what you thought was prudent action at the time. Only, now, as it happens again? What’s the right course? I’d stand your ground. Sort of a very Ghandi-like attitude. Thought that issues was over with? Maybe not. Solutions? Stand firm, don’t waiver, but then, don’t be all aggressive, too. Pisces: There’s a coastal town I tend to favor. Little place with bars and bait stands. Relaxed island attitude. One of the restaurants, wasn’t open one morning when I stopped by for some grub. Out in front, there was a — I can’t make this stuff up — a guard turkey. Like, a free-range big bird that will be a Thanksgiving treat soon.

Across the street, a lady laughed at me, “Watch, it’s a mean bird.”

It’s okay, I didn’t try to cross that guard turkey because, at his size, that old tom would be a very mean bird, I’m sure. Which just points to the idiosyncrasies that enhance that Texas Gulf Coast flavor. Sense. The salt in the air and the addled brains. And some fishing, but this isn’t about fishing. It’s about the guard turkey. What to watch out for.

Watch out for a mean old tom. Or similar guard. Aries: When I look at astrological patterns, I’ve found what’s really helpful is to ask, “Where were you X number of years ago?” The X-factor? Has to do with various cycles in astrological terms. Patterns. The one I was looking at? Best guess would be three years ago. What was happening then?

There’s a shot at some of this coming back. Was it good or bad? Bad? Then what can you do to correct the situation? Good? What can you do to entice it to stay? Simple set of questions. Start this next seven-day period with those questions, framed just like that, don’t jump around, like, “It was last week, and it was bad,” because that yields “bad,” no matter what. It also avoids taking this material in order. The period of time was three years ago.

Where were you with your personal development, what books were you reading that you enjoyed, what music? Then, let’s make some of that good stuff stick. Or, if it was universally bad for you? Let’s look at what you can do to not repeat the process that came apart so badly. Taurus: I might have the quote a little wrong, and out of context, but then, that’s never bothered me. “If you’re not fired with enthusiasm, you’ll be fired with enthusiasm.” I like my adulterated version of the quote better. I also like the way it succinctly presages and interprets what this week holds for Taurus.

It’s a matter of getting up, getting out, and getting into it. I’m not sure what the individual “it” will be, as that varies from person to person, but the idea is that an inordinate level of enthusiasm is called for. Now.

A buddy rolled by to pick me up for a fishing trip. Oh-Dark-Thirty in the morning, a little after 5 AM. “good morning sunshine,” he greeted me, and handed me a fresh breakfast taco from down the street. Steaming hot tortilla wrapped around bacon, eggs, and melting cheese. He was cheery. Too cheery. Must’ve read the Taurus horoscope — but that’s how to get through the dark morning hours. Or the rest of the week. Fired with enthusiasm. Gemini: When I’ve traveled South and West Texas, I’ve noted, on more than one occasion, the presence of working drill rigs. I used to think those were exclusively oil rigs, in the fertile oil fields that lay beneath the barren surface. Turns out, although they look a lot alike, the drilling rigs were frequently searching water wells. For cattle, or crops. Both.

In part, this about a mistaken impression. Also, in part, this is about what we’re really looking for. Water or oil? Does it matter? Yes and no. Can I equivocate anymore? Sure. In the short term, the oil is more valuable, and it resonates, just the name alone, it just vibrates with wealth and intrigue. Plus problems, and the cozy green people in Austin love to run away with that one.

It’s not about the oil, though, because that’s, in a nod to the green people, a long-range perspective is required. The longer I toyed with the symbolism and allegory in the current Gemini astrology world-view? The more I came up with this idea of looking a little further than this week. In the bigger picture, the water is more important. Ask the farmers. There was a run-up as oil prices went up and then down, but water? They still need it for cattle and crops. So, anyway, in Gemini? Have to think long range, like, Xmas vacation kind of long range. Water or oil? Cancer: I stopped by a buddy’s place. He was experiencing some kind of trouble. Household failure. I forget what was the reason I stopped by, but as a Cancer guy, he would work it out, I was sure of that. I get to the front door, and he’s got a hammer in his hand, “You do web pages, right?” I nodded, leery. “Good, this has to be an electrical problem, I’m sure you can fix since I can’t.”

See, in his world view, writing for a web page, and “electrical” are the same thing. Then, too, in his world-view? If it can’t be fixed with a hammer and pliers? Then it must be an electrical problem, and, from that logic, I’m the go-to guy.

I’m not a licensed electrician. Not a journeyman carpenter. Not handy at all, except, sometimes, with a keyboard. Even then, my skill set is debatable, at best. The leap from “You do web pages,” to “fix my electrical problem” is a bit far, even for me. One of the axioms I’ve found handy? Don’t make this into something that it’s not. Don’t make a big deal out of a small problem. Which leads me to my Cancer buddy’s example of a small problem that had a larger problem just struggling to get out. It got out, apparently.

Since my destination was, I think, like, food and beverage, I flipped the breaker on the breaker box. Temporarily fixed the problem. So I looked like the genius that I might, or might not, be. There was still a problem when we got back, but I just left, my buddy was going to hammer on the breaker box, I think. Is that really the best choice? Leo: Men at work, part number, oh I forgot, I can’t even keep count now. I was waiting, outside a sporting goods store. Chain, really. I’d finished the fishing gear shopping, so I was standing outside. I caught a couple of pictures with my cell phone, because, it was a remarkable event. A lady — I’ll be honest — I checked her out in the store — was with two or three younger guys from the store. Rolling a grill. Big-ass BBQ grill. Not just big, huge.

She let down the tailgate of a pickup. One of the kids keyed his walkie-talkie, and three or four more kids spilled out of the store, in uniform. A younger version of the lady sauntered out, as well. Two or three more young male employees followed. I’m not sure who was manning the store. The daughter and the mom conferred, moved something around in the bed of the truck and the grill was lifted, by what looked like almost a dozen young males.

As a Leo, as The Leo? I’m sure you would like that kind of service. Personally, I thought the mom was more attractive, but the daughter had that tan, buxom, willowy look, which, no doubt, accounted for all the assistance. As the Leo, though in this equation? I see you more as the mom, in charge. Not getting as much attention, but certainly willing to use your daughter for the extra assistance to get that big BBQ grill in the truck. Second place isn’t always that bad. You drive. Virgo: “What’s his birthday?” Little girl behind the counter knows my proclivities, Virgo girl, why she asked. “He’s Sagittarius,” I answered, but I didn’t include, “like me.” She snorted. “That explains it, he’s a pain in my ass.” Then you’re not doing it right but I didn’t bother to add that comment, either.

I know when to shut up and let the kids rant a little. Besides, that Sagittarius? He looks guilty. All the time. Looks like he’s up to something, and even in a uniform, he can convey attitude. Can’t blame every Sagittarius for Virgo misfortune, but there is a movement afoot to blame me for more than, and never mind. This isn’t about tension between coworkers.

There’s a tension there, and I’m sure that the little Sagittarius — or someone similar — is insisting he’s (or she’s) the best thing since whenever. Answer to all the questions, and some chance to feel really good, too. Again, that’s not what this really about. It’s about Virgo, complaining about, in the example it’s another person on the same shift. It could be anybody. Co-worker. Client, supervisor, family member. Bugging you. Bothersome.

The easiest and most expedient way to deal with just this irritation is probably illegal. The manner I would suggest? Gloss over it. Consider that the irritant is the “wrong” star sign and that’s their problem. Don’t make it your problem after this week.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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