Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 11.18.2010

“Upon your sword
Sit laurel victory! And smooth success
Be strew’d before your feet!”
Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra [I.iii.121-3] Scorpio: Every theater in NY plays every movie ever made. I’m not kidding. I saw this on TV. Seen it in movies. Seen it in literary references. Pick an obscure movie title. Then check the books, films — and TV shows. That strange title is playing in a small theater, off Broadway, one of those movies.

Classic films enjoy revivals. Movies too arcane to be on late night TV? Showing in a theater in NY. Maybe this is some kind of agreed-upon literary device. Maybe this is a conspiracy (you are a Scorpio), maybe this is a convenient way to make a point.

My experience with big cities and move theaters is that a movie like “Casablanca” will make an appearance in an art house, bar, independent movie house, outdoor theater, or some similar venue, maybe once every two years. It’s just, how do three all wind up in movies, TV shows and books? Just when that obscure title is needed, there it is, at a movie house, with a few seats, maybe a main character and supporting role, in the movie’s audience. Never get to see the one scene, but we can hear it, and watch while the crowd, if there is one, cowers, acts squeamish or laughs.

Pick an obscure movie title for your week. Birthday week, last of the Scorpio birthdays. It might be showing at local place. If you live in NY? I’m sure you can find one of those local places that is showing it. Whatever the title? It’s got to make sense out of the Scorpio plot. Which is what this is about. Pick a movie title that will help make sense out this last few days before the (American) holiday.

    Venus is no longer Retrograde special: Order a half-hour reading and get a full hour (year overview) reading for the half-hour price. Valid only if your birthday is this week – some restrictions may apply. Sagittarius: You’d think that — as Texans — we’d be able to outdo any tailgate experience. However, one of my friends was comparing two tailgate experiences, an East Coast Experience and a West Coast Experience, and the tales of those two play into stereotypes, plus, to make it better, the experiences were better than any Texas party.

Consider the source of this data, friend of mine. Big-time Oakland Raiders fan. Fan. Has the logo as a tattoo. Left Coast Tailgate party? Loud, proud, and good food. Friendly people. Music, free beer, free BBQ. Or rather, free barbecue, as those left coast natives are unclear on certain concepts, I’m sure.

Same friend went to a Redskins game. East Coast tailgate party? No energy. No one offered them free ribs, no free beer. No loud music. No raucous behavior. Refined. Quiet. Too quiet, maybe. Raiders lost (boo), but it was big fun. Eagles won (boo) but without the tumultuous crowd support? Wasn’t nearly as much fun, according to my friend.

In this next week, the Sagittarius birthdays start. Where do you want to be? Me? Next week? I’m looking for a loud, proud crowd. More fun. Capricorn: It gets easier until we get to next week. The weekend before Thanksgiving (in the US), and this isn’t country specific, just the best example, the weekend before Turkey Day is either three, or in some cases two, and occasionally, no business days in length. I pretty much retire to sit in front of the computer and monitor server traffic for a day or two.

I’ll have one or two pre-T-day errands that are expected. One emergency reading. That’s about it. If you are trying to conduct regular business? Doubt that’s going to happen. Doesn’t matter whether you’re in America or not, it’s more an astrological influence — it’s just that the American holiday seems to capture the essence of what the stars suggest.

Nothing is going to happen. Not that there’s not a lot you should be doing, is there. Not that there isn’t work that could get accomplished, no, that’s not it, either.

It’s about a predictable lull in the activity. What a good Capricorn should watch out for, this next week? Instead of trying to force an issue, full moon and all, instead of making “it” an issue? Stop. Reminds me of a mechanic buddy of mine, his solution is always the same, “Get a bigger hammer.” This isn’t a week to make that happen. You’ll only have to buy more replacement parts. Aquarius: Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three left turns do. Not a conundrum, just a bit of silly advice layered with small dose of Aquarius reality therein.

I had to test that joke on my desk top, etching a line with my fingertip, making three 90 degree left turns to see that I would be pointing in the same direction if I’d made one right turn. I’d like this week, and the lead-up to this weekend to be easy. No can do.

There’s going to be a series of minor obstacles. The first way I looked at it? Three obstacles, and you win one time. That’s a three to two loss ration. Three tries, successful one time. I realize you don’t like those numbers, but then, neither do I.

Here’s the trick. You know the numbers. You know that it’s going to three — maybe four or five — attempts to get around, through, over, or under whatever that obstacle is. Got it? I’d love for this to be easy, but I doubt it will be. Don’t make this a big deal. Just understand that it takes more than one try to get from here to there. Or over, under, and/or around whatever it is. If it goes really well the first attempt? You are encouraged to drop me a note and mock me. The usual warning goes with that invitation. Pisces: “I was only asking for hundred thousand,” the lady said, “you’d a thought I was asking, like, for a million.” I can’t say for sure it was dollars. I can’t for sure that she was a Pisces. I can say I’ve been around enough to know body language and the one of dejection, not rejection, but a tone of complete surrender.

I know nothing else about the details. I was overhearing a very public phone conversation on a busy downtown street. She scurried away, and I stopped to make notes. I’m not the Pisces. I think she was. Or, at the very least, her conversation represented to me what a Pisces might face.

The problem with her situation — not that I know — the problem and the solution? Ask for way more than you need. If she’d asked for a quarter million? 250,000? Then the 100K might’ve come through. Just asking for the minimum? That’ll never work. As the holidays get closer, end of the year approaches, and as we get started into a distinctly Sagittarius time, just wrapping up Scorpio this weekend? Think about asking for way too much. Never hurts to ask. Aries: Thanksgiving and its associated trappings herald the beginning of the holiday season. Time to start thinking about Xmas. Some of us, we thought about Xmas a while back. As an Aries, now is the time to start planning, making a list, checking it twice, and worrying about some of the details. All at once. There’s a breath of fresh air.

Could’ve been that cold front that dropped the local temperatures. Could be the fact that it warmed back enough for me to think about swimming. Could be that, with the advent of Sagittarius, I’m a happy camper, or will be soon enough. So will you.

Soon enough, for the next couple of days, distract yourself with thoughts of Xmas stuff. Doesn’t have to big stuff, sometimes, “God is in the details.” Taurus: How much you know about the mechanics of what goes on inside your computer? The network connection? The part where the little pictures on the screen, the type and icons, how all that get converted to language which, eventually, gets reduced to single bits, ones and zeros? How much do you really know?

I’ll be honest, I understand some of theory. About as far as I’ll go. I could, back in the day, write some computer code, but I can’t, not now. I did code up the first website, and buried therein, some of the original words are still there. Don’t know how much of that stands the test of time.

Like I said, I understand some of the theory, but that’s about all. The question, I’m asking this of Taurus, how much do you know about what goes on underneath the skin of the system? We’re all so used to merely interacting with the surface controls, we don’t really know what goes on underneath the skin of the beast.

This is the time, as Venus starts to turn around for the holiday season, this is the time to spend a few extra minutes, make an effort to understand some of the underpinnings of the system.

I said, “Lift the hood and look at the motor,” and I’ll emphasize, I said, “Look.” I didn’t say to go touching any of those wires or loose code, not now. Just understand what’s where. Gemini: There is a very palpable frustration that comes from having a certain pesky Mr. Mars opposite you. Can’t be fixed. Can be remedied, though, with applied athletics.

The way to work around Mr. Mars? Can’t work around him. Have to work through him.

As long as he’s on the other side of the wheel from you? The best trick is to double up on whatever it is that you do to relieve stress and get exercise. Hopefully, it would be the same type of action. This doesn’t always work for me, as we’ll get a cold snap, just in the last few days. Temperatures drop to near-freezing, and it’s just too cold for me to go outside. At all.

So you’re like me, housebound. Some kind of physical activity is called for. I’ll leave that to your Gemini imagination. Activity. The weather will warm up again, and I’ll be out on a long, Mars-inspired, walk about town. Cancer: Thanksgiving is an American holiday. Means less to me, in Texas, as there’s a “first” Thanksgiving that predates the pilgrims with its associated pedantry and pageantry. Again, this particular holiday carries less meaning, to me, and the local population other than, in true form, any excuse for a party, right?

All — or none — of the artificial holiday is important to Cancer. The point is about timing. Typically, what happens, is about half the work force takes time off, school is out, and there’s pause in all forward action. Everything seems to grind to halt, as far as real work is concerned. There’s about three days before the holiday when everyone else is not at work, and your Cancer self should be.

Cruel trick of the planets, but the focal point, the good Cancer attention, all that should be, could be, would be best served if, you paid more attention at “work,” and didn’t worry about the holiday mess. Holidays will take care of themselves. There will be a fine repast with family and/or friends and/or loved ones. Not worried about that. It’s there’s one last set of details, at work, in the career arena, something, that needs taken care of. First. Then play. Leo: I’ve suggested this trick before and I’m back to suggesting it again. Ear buds. Earphones. The most common are usually white cords leading to an iPod. Any color will work. Purple, black, green, doesn’t matter.

I’ve found that some ear buds are cheap, like less than a dollar. Not that I’d really like to listen to music with those cheap ones, not over an extended frame of time. However, as a prop? Perfect. Ear buds? Yes.

I noticed this when I was returning a call and after I hung up, I still had the ear buds stuck in my ears. I was walking, long a side street, and I didn’t cycle music back on, I just let the ear buds hang in place. They weren’t tightly in place so it didn’t really dampen any spurious outdoor, background noise.

Still city streets, lights flashing, buzzers buzzing, and so forth. Cars screeching and honking. Knowing that I had little wires hanging from my ears, making it look like I was suitably distracted, made for a much easier navigation. It’s like a blind man with a cane. The ear buds, the fake earphones, or, in my example, real earphones, only no music streaming in? What this does is buys a little time. A visible cue to those not to bother you — I’d suggest you leave those earphones in place until next week. Virgo: I was with a buddy of mine, in a bar. His wife and her friend were shopping, and he was drinking. Originally, it was a different arrangement, as his wife had this “Girl you have to meet.” Nice enough, we talked for a few moments, then I asked her birthday. “You’re not into that (omitted word), are you?”

Yeah, well, it’s what I do for a living these days. “You can’t believe all that, can you? It’s against the Bible.” Which is why my buddy was drinking. He had a tall pilsner. Then a tall lager. Eventually, he had a brand I can’t recall but looked like a Guinness. One them he had came with an orange that went into it. Reminded me of beer with lime, back in the day.

I was drinking soda water that afternoon, and I was kind of stuck with my friends, and their one “girl you have to meet,” although, apparently, I didn’t really need the aggravation. Why I live like a monk.

I’m telling this tale because it’s got a warning attached to it — what to watch out for? Well-intentioned friends. Close friends, best friends, people you would normally trust? I’m not saying they are inherently untrustworthy this next few days; however, I’d be a little circumspect. Libra: There’s this one musical group, band based in Austin, now. Used to be from a little south of Austin, but like all musical acts, they wound up in Austin? The place to be, right? Anyway, I’ve seen them a couple of times, live. See them in old warehouse bars, seen them at the car wash. A couple of my friends have written about live shows, some of my online buddies have written about how good the music is, or that, “This new CD is awesome,” or whatever.

I tend to avoid iTunes reviews and paid music reviewers as there’s a bias. My friends? I know their bias but I’m familiar with that angle, and I understand the source. Makes it easier. It’s just, I couldn’t really justify buying any more “Texas” music. No more “Austin Sound,” which is a little rock, a little country, and lot of twang.

Austin collected all the Nashville rejects, along with some outlaws, in-laws and scofflaws. No, I wasn’t going to buy anymore of that Austin sound. Too many in my collection already, and well, except that band? The group? One of my buddy’s extolled the virtues of the new CD, and he made it sound so delicious? I’ll have to get it.

Sooner or later. However, there’s s logical progression I want my Libra friends to follow: swear never again. Then listen, look, read, research, pick up rumors from friends, “on the street,” and then? Think about it some more. What is this? The third album? Sixth album? Fourth? Sixteenth, including the bootlegs? I heard it was good. Might have to spring for this one, finally. Wasn’t last week’s quote about people who don’t listen to music?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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