Slingshot iPad case from Timbuk2:
“It is crazy to want what is impossible.”
Marcus Aurelius Meditations, Book 5, #17
I can’t address any Timbuk2 product without invoking my Scottish friend. He’s a Leo. Forever, in my mind, linked with a Gemini. Tragically linked, as that’s not usually a healthy and tractable pairing, I’m just saying.
He was regularly ousted from their domestic tranquility and I’d find him on the neighbor’s couch, all that Scotsman’s worldly possessions loaded into a Timbuk2 bike bag.
I’m down to two or three of the bags, a voluminous shoulder bag for show stuff, a smaller backpack for regular travels with laptop, and now, that “slingshot.”
The iPad case I like best, using it even now, is the Slingshot from Timbuk2. Just big enough. The commodious pocket is velour lined with a soft, net catch pocket to secure the iPad. There’s an outer pocket the perfect size for a pen and a few notecards, maybe a book of matches and some lip balm.
Although it seems to be designed as a waist, fanny-pack kind of thing, the hard rectangle of the iPad dictates that it’s really not much of a fanny pack. However, over the shoulder or across the chest?
For my purposes, it is perfect.
“To do harm is to do yourself harm. To do an injustice is to do yourself an injustice – it degrades you.”
Meditations book 9 4
IV. He that sinneth, sinneth unto himself. He that is unjust, hurts himself, in that he makes himself worse than he was before. Not he only that committeth, but he also that omitteth something, is oftentimes unjust.
Same quote – different form.
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.
Winston Churchill cf., Pink Cake

A Commonplace Book (full text PDF & cut quotes PDF)
ISBN-13: 978-1434805751
Also known as the law of karma.