For Sale!

Rare and collectible!
It will be on eBay, a little bit of personal history. It’s Macintosh PowerBook 2400c/180 – first and last of its line. In its day, truly a revolutionary machine. Slow to the point of being less technologically evolved than, like most wrist watches, not to mention the phone I used to take the picture, still, it’s a cool footnote in Apple’s Hardware History. In the day, I’m guessing, 1998 or so, it was the fastest and more important, lightest notebook around. With a color screen, there’s no ‘screen burn-in’ from its faded glory, and the machine still boots up. Runs. Charges. Even has a modem! There was a slot in the machine and there’s a modem that goes with it. I don’t even have a dial-up service for a regular phone line. This is just bizarre. I suspect there’s a way to get an ethernet attached, but it’s been so long since I’ve toyed with this baby, it has been sitting, waiting to be recognized for what it is.

It was last used in as a back-up production unit in 2003. Spring of that year, matter of fact.

Here’s what you get – a working computer. A portable, working, 1998 current machine. System 9.1! Who-hoo!

I’m throwing in a modem, a fast 28.8 modem, two phone wires and an external (factory) disk drive. The machine itself has 48 MB of onboard RAM. Plus a ten dollar serial mouse. One button mouse. The weak link in this model was the mouse button, and although it’s set to drag-click with the mouse pad, in some situation, a mouse might still be needed. So there’s a disk drive, a serial mouse, a modem with phone wires, and a “hockey puck” power supply. Venerable and durable. Computer still runs. The original power supply died an inglorious death in West Texas. The hockey puck works just fine.

It’s capable of running a business, and there’s enough software to connect to the internet. However, this is Apple Computer History. Wonderful device, a game-changer for the road warriors, back in the day. Relieve your glory years! Own a piece of rare Apple history.

I loved this machine and it was my daily companion for several years. Alas, as time marches forward, I figure it’s time for this to find a home, as I no longer have an Apple Museum in my place.

Seriously this was a really cool piece of hardware and even in this day an age, it’s still pretty neat. Consider that it is a historical oddity, and remarkably prescient in its era.

When it leaves here, it’s in working, booting, running condition. It DOES NOT have wireless, so there’s no way I can test the efficacy the included (outdated but serviceable) programs.

What you get: Macintosh PowerBook 2400c/180. External Disk Drive. SCSI Cable for this model ‘book. Not one, but two (2) card modems for the slot. Power supply. No floppy disks as I don’t have any. No manual, again, I don’t have one to include. It will be very carefully packed, and in working order. Once it leaves my hands, though, it’s yours. No take backs.

Firing it up one last time, wow, thousands of colors and near an hour of battery life with a color screen that’s 800 x 600.

Shipping will be USPS Priority, unless other arrangements are made and paid for by the buyer. Shipping is a flat $10.90 – it’s a big box. Insurance is at the buyer’s expense. Means anything extra, ya’ll pay or it.

E-mail with any questions or comments, I’m easy to contact.

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Mac vs. PC:
Eddie Izzard Single You Tube Link.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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