I’m rather late to the eReader dance Really late.
However, I did, after much struggling with format and export functions, I’m just suggesting that Apple could have a more seamless way to go from manuscript to iBook submission, I mean you would think, am I right, or what?
After just throwing up my arms in despair a time or two, I finally got it loaded. Those arms never do digest well, anyway. So the books are on Kindle and Apple’s own iBooks, some for free, some for fee. Not very much. I just miss, and I always will, reading books as books. Not that I’m a big fan of dead trees, and I keep trimming my own library in an effort to keep it to a more manageable size. Still…
Here: astrofish.net/book for some copies, and for the paid-up cognoscenti? All the books for no extra charge.
horoscopes, readings, books
Just in time:

(Kindle Version)
I read most books on Kindle–unless someone gives me a dead tree copy–except for those I treasure as old friends. Marcus Aurelius for one, Just So Stories for another. Bhagavad Gita. A few. The read-them-once hard copies I give away.
I figure I’m saving trees and I can carry 65 or more books around with me in my purse or day pack. Those that I delete, most can be retrieved from archive at any time. I can recharge the Kindle anywhere there’s a USB port available or AC power.
Plus, it’s a great conversation starter.
“Read anything good?”
I bought Pawn on your recommendation… if I just had more time…