It’s the perfect 404 image.
The sky, that’s New Mexico, Southern New Mexico Sky as a background. Southern New Mexico, White Sands, Las Cruces, Virgin Outer Space? Roswell & Aliens?
I used a Cadillac Ranch image for a long time, a single 57 Caddy nose-down in the West Texas dirt as a 404 symbol.
Anthony, I like Anthony as it sits on the New Mexico/Texas line. Small town, not much more than a trailer park and a quartet of gas stations.
404, in web parlance, is “file not found.”

Seriously, what better image? The location is Interstate 10, north out of El Paso, just passed the Texas line, exit from the rest stop, another favorite image there?
‘Beware of Rattlesnakes,’sign.
horoscopes, readings, books
Yeah, I got the 404 image once when I did something funky on my way from hotmail to astrofish. Probably hit the wrong key–or left one out. This work keyboard has a sticky “n” key and sometimes “net” ends up “et” which is fine if you’re speaking Latin and want to append one thing to another, but not so fine if you’re looking for….anyway, I liked the image when I saw it. Thought to myself how clever you are (not for the first time, either).
Yep, perfect image for file not found.