Toying with a new logo idea, I was thinking of a thought bubble. Like speaking out of the side of the mouth. Left, since I lean left. So does that mean it’s the left side of the mouth looking at the the bubble, or some other point of view?
The logo’s point, intended meaning, it’s another subtle way of marketing. As it sits now, there is no logo. Just the URL –

I was also prompted by a similar sign, $1.99 each, or all 12 for $31.95!
Other notation:
I blame standardized test, Republican spending cuts, Democratic over-spending, new math, old math, and Calculus.
As my signature line goes, “English Major; you do the math.”

Advent Calendar:
Thirty Days of (Grateful) Dead – Free!
Here’s the deal – you’re signed up to get the free weekly news. Questions? Email is still the best way to reach me.
Mail hits the wire on Wednesday, a few hours before the scopes roll over on Thursday.
Free sneak peek, each week.
Complaints? Hit me at –
Kramer Wetzel |
“Laeti edimus qui nos subigant.”
Sample here,
DL here,
Free listen, the bare-bones of the construction laid out in the first link, and the “album” or whatever it should be called, it’s really just a single track, that’s available as both a single track and broken down into individual cuts. As I understand the art form, but I don’t understand it well, but as I grasp some of the concepts, it really is a single track, a single cut that is more than a hour long. Good as a download, maybe not so much as a CD for sale. Good as a cut to burn on an iPod, not so much as a CD in the player.
Anatomy of Word-of-Mouth:
I get an e-mail, got that link in it, and just a “try it” suggestion. I try it, download it, link it and post about it.
I wonder how many fall for it. 18 mos. for $199. More likely to be know-it-all science dudes, I think.
I say, “Philosophy major. You check the stats.”