Deer Corn

It’s a reflective shot, really. The place was a new spot on the highway, South Texas Brush Country. Near Choke Canyon.

Hardware: iPhone
Software: Camera+
Location: Choke Canyon Exit, Interstate 37

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • annie Jan 19, 2011 @ 9:54

    Deer feed. That is something new to me though I imagine my relatives in northern Wisconsin would find this very familiar. At that price, I wonder how large the bag of corn is.

  • Ralph Jan 19, 2011 @ 10:14

    Better the deer eat feed than the flowers of one’s garden or apples from the orchard. Does the photographer have to activate the intercom to be allowed in to purchase said feed?

  • anemonen Jan 19, 2011 @ 11:49

    We feed the deer in the wintertime.

  • Sarah Jan 19, 2011 @ 14:15

    I grew up on a 50 acre farm in Connecticut. We used to leave extra bales of hay from our fields for the deer. Next door was a hunting preserve, so we encouraged the deer to hang out around our house. (Next door was half a mile away). Every now and then I’d open the door on my way to the school bus stop and startle a deer in the front yard. Don’t know who was more surprised, the deer or I. They never went into the horse pasture though.

  • Gemma @ Greyscale Jan 19, 2011 @ 15:35

    Unusual sign! I am even surprised that deer eat corn! And is that expensive in the US? (We don’t have deer in Australia except on deer farms! )

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