One Dollar Valentine

Subtitle: fun with filters

Location: El Paso, TX
Hardware: iPhone
I just worry about marketing when I see a pallet of dollar valentine candies out. I took this before “The Ides of January,” and it offends my sense of propriety. I thought the red echoed correctly, then, on the phone, I ran it through Frames and filters, fun for all.

I wouldn’t touch dollar chocolate, though.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • Andy Jan 31, 2011 @ 10:30

    Made in “Red” China, no doubt:)

  • Liz Jan 31, 2011 @ 11:14

    Great shot!

    1$ chocolate, could this be made from C? I won’t touch it either.

  • Ralph Jan 31, 2011 @ 16:12

    Wallyworld does sell cheap, and often of substandard quality. I’d prefer a local candy maker for gift special chocolates or truffles. Lots of red is perfect for RT, though…

  • Magical Mystical Teacher Jan 31, 2011 @ 20:48

    A valentine for a buck? Would s/he want to receive one? Just asking…


    Tonight, my dear, I’m seeing red!
    Or is it puce or rose?
    Whatever’s going round my head
    Is tingling all my toes.

    My heart, my dear, becomes inflamed
    With passion sore ablaze;
    Perhaps it is because I miss
    Your glowing, crimson gaze.

    Whate’er the cause, my face is flushed
    Like a ripened cherry,
    No longer healthy, but inflamed!
    See the vessels serry*?

    A certain sanguine aftertaste
    Is clinging to my tongue,
    For I have kissed your ruby lips—
    To which the claret clung.

    *serry — (archaic) to crowd closely together

    2011 © by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Lady in Red

  • Genie Jan 31, 2011 @ 21:02

    Could this be a Everything for a Dollar store?We have lots of those around this area. I do not think I would eat them. Love the treatment.

  • Well, $1 chocolate certainly wouldn’t suit my Godiva tastes but I definitely don’t have a Godiva budget – especially since retirement!

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