From the London image collection, an I thought it was the London Bridge. Actually, I think that is the London Bridge, and not the one – as the Texas troubadour sings – “London Bridge has fallen down and moved to Arizona …”
Whats curious to me, as these are archives, some dated, some not, it’s a trip down memory lane.
More curious that both the song and the album are not part of the greater cultural heritage.
Eery coincidence, I would think.
Really unrelated:
I own a number of books printed and purchased in England (UK). Their books always felt “better,” in terms of fit and finish on the printing job.
As a Peace Corps Volunteer in India, we were provided with a book locker. I read the entire collection and sallied forth on my bicycle to the nearest bazaar to find more books. Most of the ones I found had been published in Great Britain, and I agree with you that the finish was better–bindings were tight, paper good quality; even though they were very well-used books, they held up nicely.
I was in my local Borders bookstore yesterday. Huge display of ebook readers and discount offers. Trying to stave off bankruptcy? Lots of people buying books, at least at that store.