Fishing Guide to the Stars for the week 4.21.2011

“Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly, they have belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and to conclude, they are lying knaves.”

Dogberry exposes the henchmen, Conrade and Borachio. Taurus: “Yo soy consuelo,” what is that singer saying? My best translation is along the lines of a blues song, but while there’s a direct translation, the language barrier requires a more liberal expression. The feeling is one where the protagonist of the song, the singer, needs to be consoled for the loss of, presumably, a love. It’s mariachi staple, along with Rancho Grande, and the usual, One Ton Tomato. This language barrier, where I suggest the emotionally charged translation is different from the actual words mean? That’s what this is all about. It’s tough, or good, but mostly tough. The tough part is trying to decipher what the emotional meaning is to the song, the lyrics, rather than what’s the literal translation. As a Taurus I did mention happy birthday to that one Taurus, right? As Taurus, this is has been a worse than usual Mercury Retrograde period because you’ve been unable to locate, isolate and cure the Mercury problem. As these weeks unwind, there’s a chance, if you listen with your heart instead of listening with your ears? Or listen with mind as much as you listen with your eyes? Look, listen, learn. Less literal, more liberal, with the essence of the message rather than the actual words.

Gemini: Rethink that language option, make yourself understood? How did that work? Mercury starts a slow and possibly painful process of unwinding, undoing what has been rent asunder. Not without headache and/or heartache in Gemini land. Not without a few problems. Not without a few extra Gemini-inspired challenges. I have two books, texts rather, that I found particularly useful and inspiring. Especially when Mercury is retrograde. The Tao Te Ching (translated) and the Sabian Symbols in Astrology.

Both are jumping off points. Both are texts that I can “surf,” as in, just pick the book up, flip through the pages and find what catches my attention. That’s the answer. Bible, King James Version for my tastes, the Complete Works of Shakespeare, a slim volume of Eliot’s poetry, any number of these texts will work, but when Mercury is Retrograde? Let’s go back to the Tao. There’s a zen-like attitude. There’s an understanding of being in the flow, how the Tao is life-fore, and how it’s important to work within that flow, not work against it. Which is important. It’s a jumping off point, and the better translations of the Dao Se Ting are short. Tight little verses that a Gemini can wrap an idea around. Something with which to work. Like dealing with Mercury Retrograde’s associated fall out this next few days. Pick up the pieces.

Cancer: “Put that idea on ‘hold,’ and you’ll appear smarter, almost overnight.” That was last week’s advice. Because Mercury is still retrograde at the beginning of this week, I’ll stick to that advice for starters. The book suggests that life is better by this weekend. Let’s look at the archetype for Cancer, the Crab. I like the little hermit crabs at the beach, or the baby crabs, scurrying hither and yon on the sand. Moving sideways and when I approach, the crab will hunker down and try to retract everything into its shell. Doesn’t quite work, as the onerous pincers, crab claws, are still out there. But mostly it works. Imagine, for the last two-three weeks, you’ve carefully followed my advice and withdrawn to the safety of your own carapace. This weekend, and starting next week? Gradually start to test the issues, test the waters, test atmospheric conditions in your location by cautiously extending one claw. A single appendage, and if you’re right-handed (70-80% of the population), then extend your left hand. Claw. I’m not saying it will be taken off or injured, it’s just matter of leading with the less valuable extremity. For starters. Just to make sure you’re not getting ahead of the problems. Not yet.

Leo: Yes, you’re way better than any other choice, but that doesn’t mean you should open you mouth and point that out by volunteering. I stick by that selection, and I’d go one step further, I’d try my best to keep you from volunteering an opinion. Another fixed sign, a watery fixed sign, that’s Scorpio. Not always a good match for Leo. However, it’s a good energy to imitate this next few days. The biggest problem with trying to ape a Scorpio action is the Leo “play” button — the little arrow pointing to the right? Someone pushed that. One word: don’t. Dig back into the Scorpio files, and see what they do. Sneaky guys, them Scorpio. One Scorpio, this is a good Leo lesson, one Scorpio said he wasn’t up to anything, really, but he looked suspicious and made other people afraid of him. He intimidated others by saying nothing. Nothing at all. Like I suggested, don’t volunteer an opinion. Silence is golden. Leo is gold.

Virgo: Just strike the pose. See if that helps. If that doesn’t work, holding still for a few extra counts? Then try a little action. I’d do my best to hold off on the action until after this coming weekend. I realize we’d all like a little action before then, but I’ve got a specific goal, and verifiable option in mind. It’s that pesky Mercury Cycle, and until we’re done with it, this weekend, action on your part might be a waste. If you don’t mind making a dry run, a symbolic practice gesture, a try that you know will yield no fruits immediately, then it’s okay, break that pose and move forward. But if it’s an earnest motion? Hold off until after the weekend.

Libra: This Mercury Retrograde is going to make an attempt to plot and follow that one framed image, its trajectory in my life, before my life, and who knows, maybe after my life, as well. As the Mercury Retrograde pattern draws to a close, that single image’s trajectory, it stretches across three states, two countries, and decades of time, that single image — and its trek — is a microcosm of the forces at work on your fine, Libra self. It’s a special flavor, a special sense, what with Mercury backwards in the sign opposite you, along with a host of other planets. Then, as this week arrives and moves forward, Mercury unwinds while the Sun inches forward in Taurus. It’s a small amount of relief, but relief nonetheless. Tracking the way my Black Velvet Elvis crossed boundaries, territories, states and even international boundaries is an intellectual marvel. As a Libra, I’m trying to get you to look at that series of lines, crossing and criss-crossing the countryside. The more time you spend chasing down what might seem like pointless details, the better off you are. “Therein hangs a tale,” as they say. Instead of trying to focus on the big objectives? Minute, almost pointless details.

Scorpio: It’s nice to keep life, like a tackle box, separated into individual compartments, like I prefer my fishing gear. While last week was a tangled mess, this week promises to be no better. However, there is an upside to the mercurial mess: cross-pollination. I was looking at some old top-water lures for bass fishing, and while the colors never seemed to be particularly effective when I used them, despite what other fishing guides have told me, I found that those selfsame lures work well on the coast. Cross-pollination. While one idea isn’t particularly effective in one location, in another place? That idea works quite well. I suspect, always have, that some of the colors are a mere ruse by other fishermen. Perish the thought that any fisherman would deliberately misrepresent the truth. Out of Mercury’s jumbled mess, though, there’s a chance when the wrong gear winds up, accidentally, in the right tackle box. Make use of the mercurial mess, see if the mistakes don’t yield up some good Scorpio results. Borrow one of my lines, “I meant to do that.”

    Dear [wlm_firstname],
    Looks like your login e-mail address is: [wlm_email], and if that’s correct, fine. If it’s wrong, please let me know.
    With the new year, there have been a lot of changes “under the hood,” and it’s been more than a year now we’ve been running on this system. As you’ve seen the scopes are formatted a little different. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Shoot me an e-mail now, or there might be no changes at all. I’d like to accommodate you as best I can.

    You can always post a comment, too.

    And thanks, without your support, I couldn’t do this.

Sagittarius: Your choice, Sagittarius. I had a situation a client came to me with a problem. Legal issue. I’m not lawyer. I’d be hard-pressed to even represent myself as a lawyer on TV, or in the movies, unless I had a lot of training, coaching, and perhaps a ton or makeup. Lights would have to be right, too. Opinions, I can offer that. Real legal advice? Not a chance. So looking at the client’s problem, all I could say was, “Talk to a lawyer.” I know when a problem, question, issue is clearly out of my realm. I can pontificate for hours , but I can’t make an informed decision based on anything else but my relative paucity of common sense and obviously, what the astrology charts indicate. As a Sagittarius, we’re used to — on the right occasion — listening to ourselves carry on about a topic where we — as Sagittarius — have relative little experience. Read it in a book, saw it on TV, or just images that sprout from our imagination. Doesn’t matter. This is one of those weeks, someone comes to us for advice. Legal issue? Get a lawyer. Medical issue? See a doctor. Problem with your stars? Call me. Your choice, Sagittarius, but I’d recommend you seek the correct advice from a qualified professional for the particular issue.

Capricorn: I don’t suck. We’re almost at that point when you’ll be able to say that without a hint of irony or sarcasm in your voice. Not quite there, but almost. Point of order, I don’t suck, but the planets, all stacked up in Aries, they do suck, and that makes me look bad. But I don’t suck. However, until we get to that point, until we get a single, positive reinforcement going for Capricorn, until we get that happening, I’m going to be pretty high on the (colloquial expression for excrement) list for the Capricorn buddies. I can’t change Mars/Jupiter, close and tight, in Aries, making you want to scratch a spot in the middle of your back that you can’t quite reach. Or some other spot you can’t quite get to, that un-scratchable spot. No, I won’t reach over and scratch that itch. Might want to leave well-enough alone. In the coming seven days, from the moment this scopes goes “live,” there’s one breakthrough that will astound and amaze you. One good one. All that other stuff? Suddenly I’m not the bad guy anymore. Neither are you. Unless, of course, you like being the bad guy.

Aquarius: The first liar never has a chance. Remember that. You get a shot at something, probably later this week, maybe into the first part of next week, you get a chance, an opening. Take it? Up to you. I doubt you’ll be able to pass it up, one of those “gimme’s” that we all get to see from time to time. Hard to pass up a free cheap-shot at someone. Especially if that Aquarius Antagonist hands you an opportunity on the proverbial silver platter. How much more cliché can this get? That’s the problem. It’s not a cliché, it’s not an opening, and it’s not a good time to take a shot at something — someone — who is unarmed. The first shot never gets a second chance. The first liar never has a chance. I’d suggest, just a suggestion, but when you get an opening handed to you and that opportunity, happens next, two, three days? When that opening lands in your Aquarius lap? Don’t. That simple. Wait, savior the moment, but don’t. Blame me, blame Mercury, or wait, and you can really spike the ball, to coin another tired expression, later. Don’t be the first, be the last.

Pisces: Not all of my mistakes are good. I’m aware of that. I’ve loved the accidental nature of both my art and my craft. I stumbled into writing horoscopes by accident, and I’ve enjoyed the challenge. This last Mercurial Cycle, it’s not all over yet, but this last period, I was trying to instruct more about how to harness the accidental nature of art and use this for constructive, productive output. Some days I’m more successful than other days. Some days, I’m “on,” and even the mistakes turn out great. Other days, there’s a gradual culling process. In Pisces, there’s a gradual culling process, and since this a Mercury Retrograde-inspired process, realize that this culling process is part of what is required. Sometimes I have to take two or three passes at a collection before I’ll be able to pick and choose the good from the ill. Get the good stuff by pruning away the bad stuff. Get to the real beauty by judiciously removing unwanted material. At the end of this coming weekend, in Pisces, I want two stacks. Crap to toss (recycle, trash, etc.) Important things to hold onto (save, revere, etc.) However, wait until next week before making the final decision. Wait until Mercury is really no longer retrograde before you make a call about what to toss and what to save. One or two items might be in the wrong pile, just now.

Aries: Valid questions for the good-looking Aries, as Mercury unwinds itself, what’s the new direction? I suggested, a while a back, that there was an idea, a concept, a hope for a new direction, and I figured this was something that would come spinning out of the Mercury cycle. Inspiration, hope, direction, new idea, something. A concept, a new spin on an old idea. Hint: look at the problem, issue, obstacle? Look at it differently. It’s all about tangents, and as Mercury gradually rights what was wrong, I’m pretty sure you came up with a brilliant solution to a problem. The problem with the solution you cooked up? It’s good but it’s not perfect. Not being of a Virgo mind, not perfect is fine by your Aries self. However, I’d suggest as you run with this a little, then change, modify, edit, and otherwise mold the material into a newer form. Mercury gives you the idea, now fit that answer to the question. It can be done.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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