Luggage Fetish

Luggage Fetish
Suitcases are an integral part of what defines a traveller. As previously noted, I do have luggage fetish, of sorts, but I’m also a minimalist. Hard to combine those two.

One piece that’s been with me for years is a “carry-on” size Zero Halliburton. I have, in my previous life, lived out of that very suitcase for months at a time. Less care, then.

Last time it came spitting out, onto the luggage belt, part of the stickers were missing. Old sticker from a Texas garage band, now it’s only part of a sticker. No problem.

I had a picture, on the site someplace, of the second suitcase, more than a decade old now, and an image left over from a London trip, of the stickers on the third suitcase.

I’m loathe to present any brand as better, but for my money, the reputation and durability seems to survive the test of time. The newer ones aren’t holding up as well as that original, but still going strong. The biggest issue with number two, by far, it’s seen the heaviest use, is that the external roller frame gets abused by the luggage handlers. More than once, I’ve had to sign a luggage waiver, as the carrier didn’t want to be responsible for damage.

It’s in for its second refurbishment. I’ll see what happens. The last one, a much larger case, I’ve only used for longer trips or European travel, it’s part of the newer design with an internal frame and roller-blade wheels. I’m quite attached, and, to be honest, impressed. Sit in that window seat and watch the ramp-rats load the luggage, and I wonder if the metal hard-side cases are targets for abuse.

I fear that material items define me, but this is about the art of travel, and travel is something I’m good at as it rounds and tempers a body.

I seem to recall that the Halliburton company advertised and prided itself on still being an American company. Built with pride in America. Don’t know; didn’t research. However, one that is in frequent use, still, nearly thirty years later, speaks well for the brand’s durability.

(A note on the image: taken for this web journal, looks like January, 2005, on the way to El Paso. For work. Austin’s Town Lake is in the background.)

London (SoHo) Image:
Still a favorite.

Original post here.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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