El Paso hot chili

While at Grace’s, I made my now-infamous “wall-marts” chili. In deference to location, and by request, I used only mild, green chili. This recipe was stew meat, ground meat, cubed pork chops, and peppers. Poblano, NM Green, Serrano, Jalapeño. And spritely tomatillos. Two garlic cloves, couple of old, yellow onions, adjusted to lower the heat coefficient. Whatever I could find at the big box store, namesake and source.

Got a t-shirt and a keyring, t-shirt for the girl back home and key ring to drop in Sister’s birthday envelope. Overnight from El Paso, TX to the Left Coast. God Bless California.

The images, red as is the theme, reflect the dried red “Japanese” peppers, which I find lovely, but my hosts prefer I not use in the cooking.

The chips, it’s a local influence, Las Cruces is about ten miles up the road from Grace and Ken, but Las Cruces, NM is in a different world.

There’s a reason I love this part of the country.

Photos, filters, frame: iPhone.

Back again in August and I get to teach Bare Foot Astrology again.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • rhubarb Jun 6, 2011 @ 10:16

    re: God bless California
    Thanks. We could sure use it.

  • Meri Jun 6, 2011 @ 11:27

    We love spicy food here at my house.

  • Cafe au lait Jun 6, 2011 @ 12:25

    Red hot!

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  • Ralph Jun 6, 2011 @ 13:44

    It sure is pretty in red – although I would guess your stomach would glow an equal shade of red, due to the heat. But what price style, eh?

  • Light Trigger Jun 6, 2011 @ 17:48

    What a nce photo! so vivid!
    via Ruby Challenge

  • Magical Mystical Teacher Jun 6, 2011 @ 22:38

    Those chiles (New Mexico spelling) glow with fire!


    Yellow or red—which shall it be?
    Red for you and yellow for me?

    Perhaps you’d rather have yellow instead—
    Which leaves me, of course, with handfuls of red!

    Whichever hue you decide to choose,
    I’ll take the other—no one will lose!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Queen Liliuokalani statue in Honolulu

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