The Portable Mercury Retrograde

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Mercury’s orbit around the sun is roughly 88 days. That means, sitting here on Planet Earth, it looks like Mercury moves backwards in respect to the relative motion of the other objets in the sky.

It’s called “Mercury in Retrograde.”

My book, The Portable Mercury Retrograde is anecdotes and antidotes for Mercury in apparent Retrograde motion.

It includes the popular myths about Mercury in Retrograde, as well as a calendar of when Mercury will be retrograde for the next ten years.

This is a free copy of the book. No cash, no credit card, nothing required!

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Mercury Retrograde is wildly misunderstood. Misrepresented. Facts are wrong. It’s not something to fear, it’s part of the natural cycle of life. This is how to get Mercury in your back pocket. This is how to get Mercury back in control by understanding the trickster’s messages.

The text does include a ten-year calendar of Mercury Retrograde phases, and offers advice on how to best cope.

Personally, I want you to buy the book, but here’s a free electronic copy, just to help. Makes it easier to understand the whims, ways, problems, and best of all, what can be done to make the damage less, during this time.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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