Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 10.6.2011

“‘Tis on thing to be tempted…
Another thing to fall.”
Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure [II.i.20-1]

    Venus moves into Scorpio.

FREE Teleseminar, conference call: 11/3/2011 – 8 PM Central
Mercury Retrograde and 2012: What’s up ahead? More information -> Libra: Couple of very special Libra Birthdays this week, and a cosmic notice. The cosmic notice is from the annual “Saturn and the Sun” get-together. Happens next week. However, the notice goes out this week. It’s like one of those postcards that announces you’ve got package in the mail, and it will be shipped to you soon. Time to start looking for it. This is less about a package and more about tightening up some of your communication skills. Unlike my own horoscope, which can be wordy, verbose, and meander at times, on occasion with no apparent direction, unlike me, the Libra words need to be carefully chosen. Fewer is better. Think about explaining everything in Haiku. That’s a tightly controlled format. I’d use the sonnet form, the classical sonnet, not even the English Sonnet form, but that’s me, and I’m not Libra. You are. Happy birthday, and think about more editing, less verbosity. Unlike me.

    If you are a Libra, and want to discuss Saturn, or other aspects with your birthday chart, you can get a full hour reading for the price of half hour reading, just sign up here. Scorpio: Full moon can be fun. However, I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t make a suggestion, has something to do with the location of the other planets, and for that matter, the Sun, which isn’t a planet at all, as it’s really a star. Anyway, words aside, what this means? There’s not only a number of planets in Libra, but there’s special alignment with a message for Scorpio

As the Sun gets ready to align with Saturn, there’s a hint about your future. There’s some unbidden task that needs to be finished. Some job you haven’t done. Some kind of errand, task, goal, perhaps no one knows it but your Scorpio self. Stop and plot. Plan. Delineate some action you can start on long before you get to Saturn, or rather, long before Saturn gets to your sign. You have an advanced indication of where this is going, in a year, two years from now. Stop, and make some long-range plans. Or better yet, loose ends untended to? Might want to start tending to them, now. You get a clear indication in the next couple of days. Week, ten days, soon. Maybe today. Hint.

Sagittarius: I don’t live on the lake anymore. I can’t walk out my back door and fish. Honestly, trailers like I had, there wasn’t a back door, so much as a walk out the front door and go around the back, and then fish. It gets cold at night, temperature can easily drop for a couple of nights. Fish like that, my fish used to love it. Made them hungry, all over again. Fish are fattening up for the long winter. Couple of months, anyway. The right bait can turn on the fall fishing. The right bait can turn this into a fall fishing frenzy. The right bait. What would be the right bait? I’m figuring this is less a question of the right bait and more a question of what do you have to try? I’d start with a spinning lure, then try crank bait, then try some jerk bait, and sometimes, weird as it may seem, a top water might work. The image for this week isn’t one bait that works, but trying a plethora of playthings to see what everyone wants to play with. What finally worked, at a secret place near me now? What finally caught fish? Rattle Trap. Odd. Might have to try three or four different approaches until you get one that works, and I don’t care what you’re fishing for.

Capricorn: In Medieval Alchemy, the search was for the “philosopher’s stone,” a mythical element that turned base metals into gold. Can’t be done; modern science has proven that there is no transubstantiation of base metal into higher yield elements. Molecules, atoms, periodic table of the elements, can’t get there, from here. Can’t take lead and make it gold. Can paint it gold, can gold-plate it, can’t change its internal structure. It’s just not possible. That’s what alchemy, the forerunner to modern chemistry, that’s what it was all about. Astrology was tied to astronomy, up until about 500 years ago. Some of the early astronomers were also astrologers. Again, the two have been divided. Instead of being divided, let’s work together. I’d suggest the symbols for this week are all about collusion, cohabitation, gentle coercion. Work to find the common ground. Look where you’re similar, not different.

Aquarius: Diner I was in, a road trip, while back, there was sign. Get the image of the location, this isn’t the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, which implies a late night diner in a major city. Quite the opposite, a busy place in a little town, close to noon. Diners like old-school “americana” would appear to be. Characters slink in, other local residents depart, the ebb and flow, an easy graciousness, inborn, innate, inbred. Chalkboard specials. One of the items listed was “Fruit of the Forest Pie.” I’m not sure what “fruit of the forest” is, much less what kind of pie that would be. As we get closer to deer season, I keep thinking about deer pellet pie, a tourist special. As the place was a small town, but enough tourist traffic to warrant the division between the two, I wondered about the pie. I inquired about a number of menu choices, but I stayed away from the “fruit of the forest.” Pine nuts? Acorns? I’m still curious, to this day, what “fruit of the forest” is, but I’m not going to ask. I still suspect a tourist joke. Mars is still opposite your sign. Ask questions? Maybe follow me on this, and just wonder, silently, what it was.

Pisces: The problem we discussed here, last week? I know, because I heard from her, she did the due diligence and tackled what she perceived was the problem. She hit it head-on, issue at work, confronted the boss, and, armed with documented proof, she handily defeated a mighty foe. Only, as it turns out, this wasn’t the battle I was alluding to. Wasn’t the big issue. That? It was a minor annoyance, in the big scheme of things, not really a big deal. It was a boss full of bluster (or largely organic male bovine byproduct), who backed down when faced with facts. I listen. The problem is a significant relationship. Turns out the issue wasn’t the boss. With the meandering Saturn in Libra, the issue that tends to recur is “romance.” On again, off again, that sort of stuff. I’d suggest, instead of turning a small miscommunication into a big conflagration? Give it a rest. It will blow over. Anyway, the other stuff with the boss?

Worked well for Pisces, didn’t it?

Following my advice is always good.

Aries: A buddy had a video for me to watch. Wasn’t on You Tube or anything, so he burned it onto a CD. “Here, ya’ll like it, it’s funny…” sure thing. I popped it into a computer and got the dreaded “you don’t have the right software installed to view this video” message. I switched to an older laptop I have here. Didn’t work on that one, either. I tried the latest computer I’ve got. Wouldn’t work on that one. I returned it, unwatched. He popped it into his own machine, and said, “Here watch, I’ll show you….” Guess what? Didn’t work. Burned me a bad copy. Turns out I was fed bad data, the burned CD, from the get-go. Wasn’t my fault. However, I did have to try it on all available hardware before I returned it. The trick was to not keep trying the bad CD/DVD on the same machine, over and over. You get fed some bad data this week. Don’t keep hammering on it when you figure out it doesn’t work.

Taurus: “If music is the food of love, play on.” I can’t use that opening line again, but as I worked with influences and chart wheels, and looked again and again, I kept thinking that it was perfect. What play is that an opening line for? Never mind, not using it as a trivia question, too easy to get now. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could combine music, food and love in a successful Taurus horoscope? I’d love that. You’d love it, too. Pick one of the three items in that list, though, one out of three. Food, Music, Love. Together, they all make for a very well-rounded experience. The deal, full moon this weekend and all, we can’t get all three worked into the scope of this week. I’d like to, but I can’t. Pick one. Pick two, can’t hit all three, but if you make a checklist then have serious goal of just getting on item checked off the list, we’re good. You might make it to two. Can’t guarantee all three, but you never know. Might happen. Probably not, but you know the drill, I’m willing to be wrong. Venus is gearing up to make this a great month ahead. One. Maybe two. Possibly, depends on you, all three. One, for sure. Make a list.

Gemini: I needed a password to get on a buddy’s website and do some work. I just had some silly stuff to straighten out for him, correct his code mistakes. Not a big deal. Be surprised at what happens without a closing expression in a string of simple mark-up commands. Causes end-user panic. In other words, I had to punctuate his stuff with the right commands. Not really hard-core coding, but close enough that we’ll all call it a wash. The problem, the fun part, that started with the login password. “Try….” then he rattled off various combinations of stuff, words that might have meaning to him, and then he allowed as it had to be a variation on theme. It was. However, as an archetypal Gemini, the login name was changed. While I had the right password on the first go, the login name he used was different. Neglected to remind me of that until an email cycled through. I figured it out, disaster averted, all is well in Gemini land again. There are two pieces to make this work. Two items that you need. One, obviously, is the right login, and the second one if the password. I’m not looking for your password. I’m not looking for your login. On my own sites, I can’t see the other users’ passwords. Better that way. There is a simple solution to the Gemini week, get all the data, first. Collect all the necessary information before you start. Otherwise, like me, you’ll be stuck guess and typing in a probable combinations, trying to get caught up.

Cancer: Stay focused. This gets easier when Venus slips into Scorpio. The lack of focus is from the Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Libra, which, in turn, sets up a tension in Cancer. Venus, too, but she moves kind of quick-like. So does Mercury, but over all, there’s still a lingering sense of tension. The correct answer, the way to deal with that tension is with a single-minded sense of purpose. One goal at a time. One step, one project, or, better yet, one part of one project, or, even better than that? One part of one step one piece of the puzzle. It’s like a half-assembled jigsaw puzzle on the table of the Cancer life. You got this one piece, and you’re not sure where it goes. Don’t set it down. Don’t move on to another piece. Stop. Look. Recall that I suggested focus. Remember that I said one step, one part of one step, one little piece of the puzzle at a time. Got it? Focus on that one piece. If you get distracted, you’re suddenly all over the place, and you wind up making a bigger mess than before. Focus. I know it’s hard, but try to keep your attention on the single detail that needs your attention. Now.

Leo: “Empty the magazine, eject the empty magazine, slam another full one in its place, then ask questions.” It was a drill, from one of my buddies, and he wasn’t sure I knew the answer. The shorter version? “Empty the magazine, then ask questions.” While the second is more poetic, from safety stand point, the first is really the proper way to handle the situation. When presented with a issue that needs to be dealt with in such a manner? Shoot first, ask questions, like, a lot later. My tree-hugging, vegan friends in Austin recoil in horror at the thought of deadly force. Many of my friends in Austin have a physical allergy to firearms. I should be counted amongst those, but I’ve been around enough “manly” men to know the answer to the question, and that, my Leo friend, that’s how the Leo, The Leo, should respond, all this week.

Shoot first. Ask questions, maybe never. Not your job to ask questions.

Shoot first, real or metaphorically, and then, reload. Then go over and nudge the body. If this were TV? They might still be alive. Or they could be the undead, but we really have to wait a while for that.

Virgo: It is so not polite to laugh in the face of my paying clients. However, one brought an issue to me for an astrological counsel, and after listening to the issue, spinning a Virgo chart around, it was hard not to laugh in the person’s face. I just asked the same questions back. I reiterated, paraphrased slightly, a modicum of condensing, to make the question palatable. In other words, I repeated what I heard. I was right, but when the other person heard what was said, that put it in a new light. There wasn’t, really, a great deal of astrological consulting on my part. I had a birth chart in front of me, but all I did was repeat the questions back. In that context, hearing it from me that changed to whole message. “Wow. Sounds kind of silly now, doesn’t it?” That was their question, not mine. I laid out the facts, and I provided a sounding board. Part of what I do. Before we complicate this week’s message any further, no additions, no emendations, none of that, before we go any further, stop and ask yourself about the questions yo have about this week. Sound it out. Think about that question. I’m always open for business, but some of this, if you think about it, some of this is pretty silly. Who ever said, “There are no stupid questions”? They weren’t listening to Virgo this week.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • KathyReiner Oct 5, 2011 @ 23:05

    Thanks again, Kramer, for the membership! I look forward to the horoscopes every week.

    Some astrologer in Australia emailed me about some great changes coming for me beginning in November. Mostly about my love life! That would be good news! Her name is Jenna. She wanted me to pay her and I told her that wasn’t possible! So I don’t think she will get real specific with her news!

    Keep up the great work!

    Thanks again,

    Kathy & Lenox

  • Sarah Smith Oct 6, 2011 @ 20:35

    Re Virgo message: I’ve often thought that what you do is largely insight prodded/inspired by astrological configurations plus a large dollop of life history. And what you say usually makes a lot of sense.

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