Piper Sandals and Customer Service
Previously: here.
Title: Excellence in customer service
This is how it is done:
That I love my Piper Sandals, that is a foregone conclusion. They are a miracle of design in simplicity, form that follows function, and they go the distance. The first pair, still usable after all these years, but as the note suggests, on their last resole, those are 12 years old now.
This isn’t a tale of two sandals, though, this is about that handwritten note. There’s been a note with all resoled pair of Piper Sandals for the last decade — every time.
The first time was more memorable because there was my sad tale of woe about the sandals breaking down when I was furtherest from a trailer in South Austin. Dave, the Piper Patriarch, responded himself, and he signed off with, “Walk well.”
Each year, or so, I would get the pair resoled, and when they came back in the mail, that handwritten note.
Customer Service done right.
Personal touch. Works well. Besides, I dearly love the sentiment, “Walk Well.”