I was digging online for something. Got sidetracked. I was listening to the Muppets sing Queen.
Phone rings, I grab it.
“Wait, wait, let me turn this down.”
I was digging online for something. Got sidetracked. I was listening to the Muppets sing Queen.
Phone rings, I grab it.
“Wait, wait, let me turn this down.”
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With a link to Nirvana…
At work one day I was listening to Hair (the Broadway production). I was all alone, late a night, so I cranked it up to what the speakers would bear. Turned around in the doorway–and there was my previous boss. She had come back to the office on some emergency or other. Did Not Approve.
Yes, I was embarrassed (and to be honest, a bid defiant). Wanted to listen to *my* music for a while, at something more than a whisper.
Hair or Muppets, which was worse?
Fortunately, I approve of all.