Expansion and Scalable Systems

These unctuous horoscopes are rendered exceedingly resinous, earthy, and full-bodied by the brewing and incubation process. Combining subtle elements, the pungent and smoky flavors are enhanced with the roasting process resulting in its unique flavor. Best savored after a full meal to truly grasp the nuanced messages.

How much space does a website require?

While I’ve long since outpaced the usual requirements for the “unlimited” accounts, there’s a usage limit that has to do with percentages, processor cycles, and not hogging all the bandwidth on a shared server, and I’ve long since hit that obstacle. Blasted through it several years ago.

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The limits I hit? Bandwidth and processor cycles, oddly enough, not disk space.

When I first started podcasting in — whenever that was — I would only put the most recent audio, then audio and video clip, up on the site. Very “zen” like manner of tech. Most techies save every digital scrap.

The current platform and related technologies, while I’ve had a few rather unsettling tech issues, overall performance is good. There are still minor annoyances I’m still sorting out.

The limits are clearly defined in terms of processing power, bandwidth and disk space. It took several calls to sort out the difficulty with the back-ups, but they were getting stacked, one on top of another, until the process was running away with all the available storage.

That back-up of back-ups, that got me looking at growth rates and space. I can’t say for sure on any of the photo-weblogs, not kramerwetzel.com (London, UK), nor my personal favorite side project, BexarCountyLine.com (San Antonio, TX), if they are burning much bandwidth. However, I do know that at least two friends have stumbled into the side-project and wasted hours looking at the images.

I’m not sure how much space either of those requires, not that much, despite images being disk-intensive due to the size, neither site really burns that much space.

The two weekly podcast files, that’s different. The current format, “mp3” audio and “dot mov” movie, they run about the same size, the audio is higher quality and the video will be jerky and grainy, at best, but size limits and all, that’s what I’ve arrived at for the time being. There’s a full year of old stuff, since I’ve been in this current format for a while now, and that’s what got me looking at growth rates.

The biggest weekly I’ve produced was a little over 7 MB in size. I figure between 4, 5 maybe 6, but usually in the 4-5 MB size that yields roughly .6 Gigabyte(s) per year.

That’s AV files alone, just the podcast and archives of that.

Previously and earlier.

After custom tweaks and specialized adjustments, the site is back to being scalable for another decade. I hope.

When I put this together, close to 20 years ago, there were structural elements I had to build in, just to assure sustainable and growable patterns. Scalable.

1 hit or a hundred. Or thousands.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • rhubarb Apr 3, 2012 @ 9:02

    There’s a hymn, “Love Will Guide Us”, nice swingy rhythm, and one line reads
    “If you cannot speak like angels,
    If you cannot speak before thousands,
    You can give from deep within you.
    You can change the world with your love.”

    Thought of it when I read this entry of yours.

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