Big Trout

The picture, it’s a scan from popping the printed image out of the photo’s frame. For the last couple of years of his life, that image was on my father’s desk, at home. I rescued it from a cardboard box marked, “Kramer from Dad’s desk, go through.”

I was proud of that one trout. I can place the year, approximately, best guess, 2007. The trout was an old cow, and she’d just dumped all her eggs, so even though she was kind of fat, she was done spawning. I recall because I caught her around noon and by that evening, she was in a frying pan.

What was remarkable, it was close to thirty inches, and for a sea trout, that’s huge. She fought the good fight, too, but what was best? Near record catch, trophy size for sure, and for his last years, my father had that image on his desk, I hope, with pride.

Big Trout

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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