Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 5.10.2012

    “He that is more than a youth is not for me, and he that
    is less than a man, I am not for him.”

Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing [II.i.16]

Mexican Mother’s Day, May 10. Every year. Taurus Two items of astrological note, there’s an exact Jupiter/Sun conjunction in Taurus this week. There’s also the presence of Mercury. Mercury, the little winged-messenger planet. Exuberance, happy birthdays, past and present, good stuff, and mostly good news. The presence of the little catalyst, astrological catalyst of Mercury (the planet), that presence just cranks up the voluble nature of Taurus. This might not be all bad, but there are problems. Too much of anything can lead to an overwrought audience. Despite the twin influences that wants to crank up the volume up? Despite that urge, maybe a little taciturn approach is best. Twin influences are good, use wisely. I didn’t say “shut up,” but it would be good to weigh those words, first.

astrofish.netGemini: I’m not sure how to translate this from “Kramer’s astrological babble” to a term that an intellectually forward-thinking Gemini can understand. The tension isn’t from the “big boss,” whoever (or whatever) that might be, no that’s not where the malformed directive originates. It’s underlings. Side-kicks. Assistants, peers, associates, not the big boss, but the big boss’s entourage…

The information gets mangled, the original intent gets lost, the phrase gets twisted and the meaning is lost. Or, at worst the original meaning is lost. The problem starts upstairs, but somewhere along the line, a minion, probably an equal, that person gets the message wrong. Or translates in way that doesn’t make sense to Gemini. My first solution is to always seek out the original source. Get the words straight from your big boss. However, that’s not always possible, as the boss says, “Check with (underlings who mistook the message in the first place).” Couple of option, but what the meaning of the planets? Clear the air, get the message, get the instructions from the primary party responsible. Cancer: Increasingly, it’s hard to come up with arcane and seldom-referenced materials. Hard to get something new that isn’t already on a web page, or for sale online someplace. Rare and remixed, about all that I can find, but even then, most of the material is now available as streaming data from some website. Someplace, someone already has seen it, done it, rated it, and now rants about it. I used to spend time poking through the used CD selections in various location, used bookstores, CD exchange stores, new and used music stores. In doing so, I happened across a rare and, at the time, out of print version of a CD of obscure English DJ mix-master. Dub-step. Dub-step, house-trance. Pretty weird material. Obscure. Last time I looked, there’s a live bit-torrent of this material, not that it matters now. At the time, it was rare and off-beat. One of my fishing buddies noticed it at the top of the heap one day and asked. When I went looking a few months later, it’s back in print, and it has a listing on Amazon. No longer rare. What’s rare and remixed, that a Cancer wants, right now? What if you wait, just a few months? Bet that it shows up online?

Leo: I was admiring a client’s chest. She had on a Christian Cross, only, it was of her own design. Big, chunky, kind of a heavy piece of jewelry. Everyone thought I was going someplace else with that chest, huh. Minds out of the gutter, please. She’s designed some art pieces, and this was evocative, heavy, ornate, little circles of glass, like lens.

“They’re colonoscopy lens,” she said.

She pulled the heavy chain over her neck, reversed the cross and held it up for me to peer through. Sure enough. The symbolism boggles the mind. Her companion giggled. “You don’t want those things when they’re chipped, after that, they hurt,” he leered a bit. I’d leer, too, as she is an attractive client. I liked that particular piece of art, the cross itself looked old, like it could be jewels and faux jewels that were centuries old, except that it’s all fairly modern technology. So the clue is what to do with what you’ve spent all that time looking at, Leo dear. Virgo: I passed a familiar block, south of downtown. Three flags, all tricolor. German, Mexican, French. There’s a city office, or government office of some kind, next block. US Flag and the State of Texas Flag. I drifted off, it’s May and it’s late spring in Texas, I was walking, and I got to thinking about that, as those flags certainly represent fairly well, the local heritages. Bit of a melting pot, what with European and local populations mixing and matching. I like my local colors. The German settlers had a place, and it was, at one time, at least nominally, part of the French Republic. Now it’s just South Texas. Warm. Hot, mostly. Knowing a sprinkling of the heritage made me smile at the symbolism there. While the French Tricolor is part of the official “six flags over Texas” group, the German one isn’t. Yet there it was. There was a strong German element in early Texas colonies. That’s not the news. This next few days, you’re walking along in Virgo fashion and there’s one that sticks out. Does it belong there? Or not? German flag? Oh yes, that belongs.

Libra: The problem with working while I have an active Internet connection is there’s an incredible urge to look at stuff. Look things up, watch a video for a song I never knew that had a video, or, as it turns out, it didn’t have a video when the song was recorded, but someone’s cobbled together an effort, more or less. Less rather than more. As a Libra, we’re face-to-face with some uncomfortable truths and apparent realizations. Bad? No. Good? Maybe. Tempted to look stuff up on the inter-webs? Yes. Procrastination. Hard work pays off later, but sloth can be enjoyed right now. There was a song, really just a song fragment, part of lyric, a lick from that tune, made think of working hard or hardly working, and that ties to Libra. Try working without the distraction, mostly lunar-phase stuff, try working like that next few days. See if it helps.

Scorpio: The Butcher of Elmendorf is local legend. The brief story is he was a serial killer who fed his victims’ bodies to alligators he kept in a special pond, in his backyard. More legend, less fact. At least one, if not more, cheap and cheesy horror films have been made out of this tale. Again, more fiction than fact. If the alligators did digest the victims, then there’s no body of proof.

The imagination is a wonderful invention, and it will never cease to amaze and astound.

As it turns out, I could find little, if any, factual evidence about the Butcher Elmendorf. (Elemendorf is a little town within the San Antonio municipality.) Fact, fiction, part myth, part mythology, part tales that have been repeated so many times they have to be true? As a Scorpio, don’t buy that line. Fact or fiction? I’d look a the sources and then I’d dig a little, and I means something beyond a cursory web search, like books and magazines. Is it real? Or are you just moved (by the planets) to believe in the heightened, but somewhat improbable, local lore?

Sagittarius: The label said, “French Roast, smoky and intense.” A good French Roast coffee does have a bold taste, usually intense. French Roast, presumably developed in France, is like a regular roast, only the beans are roasted a second time, like, boiling water, then boiling it a second time. Makes for a stronger chemical reaction within the coffee beans themselves and makes for a stronger, more pronounced flavor. Handled wrong, though, the French Roast can taste “burnt.” One of my fishing buddies, always chided me over my coffee selections. When we fish, early mornings? I just get convenience store coffee, probably left over from the previous morning. Works for him. He had a bag of fancy-pants French Roast, and he complained bitterly about the flavor.

“Tastes burnt,” he said, over a cup of coffee that had probably sat on the warming plate, in the 24-hour store, overnight. How could he tell? I wound up with a batch of slightly stale French Roast beans. Not bad. A little old, but other than that? Just fine. Tasted the way they were supposed to. Bitter, acrid, coffee that tastes like coffee. It’s all about perceptions. To my fishing buddy, coffee at the 24-hour store is what coffee should taste like. Not that I have a refined palate, by any stretch of the imagination, but to me, I like the good stuff. It’s about perceptions, and what works best. Like the stuff from that corner store? Go with it. There’s no need to listen to possible effeminate esthetes.

Capricorn: It could’ve been the cold, windswept moors of Wales, with an Atlantic gale punishing green turf in and amongst the rocky terrain, it was really just the edge of a golf resort here. I was riding shotgun, with a fishing buddy. I observed a single golf cart, a lone figure in the rain, whacking away with what appeared to be a driver. Or a wedge. I think the atmosphere itself was a water trap. “Look at that fool, huh,” I said, “just plain crazy.” My buddy rolled his eyes, looking at me while driving and keeping his eyes on the road. “You ever fish in the rain?” “Yeah,” I explained, “but fishing is different from golf.” Is it? Is it really? Just because the only weather deterrent for me is electrical discharge from the sky, hurricane (for real), and ice? That’s not the same as golf. No way. That guy playing golf in the rain? That’s stupid. Fishing in the rain isn’t stupid; fishing is obviously more important than golf. The point I was trying to make, it’s about the importance. My buddy? He doesn’t care, not either way. What’s important to Capricorn? How does that stack up?

Aquarius: The term “Metal Jesus” started as a joke with some friends. Clients. Buddy, really. Long story there, don’t have time for it. Suffice it to say, he’s an Aquarius. The next part of this is something that happened in San Antonio, I hopped in a rent car, hit the radio button, and out came blaring Mexican Jesus Metal. I could only make out every third word, but it was a religious tune, that much I could catch. I know metal, and it was “metal,” so it was a totally new genre for me. Mexican Jesus Metal. I got to the end of the parking lot and switched it off. Caught, at the most about the half the tune. I’m not against Christianity, Metal, Mexican or any combination of the three, but all together, it was too much for my poor, white-trash brain to take in. Culturally aware, but still. The simplest solution, in my example, I switched the radio off so I could digest the material. Switch it off, Aquarius, at least, switch it off long enough to digest what you’ve got.

Pisces: Oh my darling Pisces, you’re in such a need of an attitude adjustment, and I can’t make anything better until next week. Even then, it’s not until the new horoscope roll out that “things” are better. However, between now and then, what happens is there’s much material being battered around.

To me, it looks like people are flinging brown stuff at each other. Brown, yucky material. The immediate image is one of monkeys in a cage, all flinging their poo at each other. Here’s my hint: duck. Stay out of the way. Stay out of the fray. You don’t have to volunteer. Don’t stick your hand up. Or worse, don’t stick your head up when some of this material is getting slung and flung about. Very simple directive for my fine Pisces friends: stay out of the way. Stay out of the fray.

“ALL Right NOW! Who’s with me? Show of hands? Volunteers?”

Aries: “Oh, look you’re giving the plants some margaritas!” Neighbor observed me watering some of the few houseplants, now regulated to the out-of-doors — I was watering with the blender. It was just the easiest container to grab, and the blender was good enough to use. I didn’t expect to hear any comments, but then, I didn’t expect that one, slightly erratic neighbor to show up. Can’t ever tell, and his response just seemed that much better. Right, I’d waste good tequila on the plants.

There’s an Aries attitude that needs a subtle shift. Personally, I don’t advocate the use of tequila, and in this example, the coffee pot was still half-full, so I wasn’t about to waste good coffee on those plants. However, job at hand needed doing, i.e., plants needed watering. I grabbed the first available container. Aries, what does it look like you’re doing? Giving margaritas to the plants? Sure, whatever works.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • Sarah Smith May 10, 2012 @ 9:59

    “There’s no need to listen to possible effeminate esthetes.”

  • Kramer Wetzel May 11, 2012 @ 21:33

    I know, right?

  • Dawn Haskin May 14, 2012 @ 14:35

    what ever

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