Best iPhone 5 apps

One list is here while my old list is here.

Why Apple can do a wonderful job with the onboard weather app on the iPhone, even more glorious now on a Five? And the native weather app on the iPad? Cognitive dissonance.

Weather is excellent on the iPhone and sucks on the iPad. Not condemnation, just tedious judgement. Never have found an adequate replacement, although, Weather Bug Radar is acceptable for fishing conditions.

Camera apps have changed, and my new favorite camera software is called “camera+” now the default for photos, frames and filter.

Astrology, I don’t even have that program loaded on the phone anymore, been replaced by iPhemeris.

What made me go back and look at my old list is that “Reeder” is on both the Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad as a default RSS (through Google) reader.

    RSS is the only way to keep up with multiple data streams.

I also used a program by Avid for video, but that’s been replaced by Pinnacle, as Avid sold off their app. I paid for it, but it’s now free. Another adjunct video tool I use is “iSupr8,” a video camera that emulates a Super 8 frame sequence. Good, in my limited use, as background footage.

Another tool I love is called “Walk Tools,” and I’ve been using it almost every day, when I remember, to clock time and mileage for my once or twice daily walks. It says I average 3 miles in the morning and just under 5 in the afternoon.

Number Guru, still very useful and I have it on both the iPad and the phone, and while I can’t (won’t, not can’t) accept calls on the iPad, it is useful as a reference, to prevent spam (calls).

I think, most telling, is what is on the home screen of the phone or the iPad. For the iPad, number one is word processor (Apple’s Pages), camera, Weather Bug, Flip Board, Reeder, Timer, Notes, Kindle, iBooks, NewsStand. Across the bottom of the iPad? Mail, Browser, date book, contact list, settings.

For the phone, new five? Messages, calendar, camera, maps, weather, notes, clock, Camera+, Photos, Contacts, Square, PayPal, Reeder, Walk Tools, settings.

What’s important? Contacts, calendar, e-mail, Safari. Plus iTunes Library, on the phone, and electronic contact, with contacts, e-mail and calendar in sync across all the toys. Tools, excuse me, tools.

While I’m, by no means, a privacy freak, I keep the phone’s automated linking turned off for most apps.

Best add-on apps, for my phone? Walk Tools. Camera+. Whatever astrology program (app) I like at the time. As far as that goes, I still prefer the desktop, laptop for screen real estate, for looking at charts. With over 10K charts on file, it’s just easier for me.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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