
New term, for me (never read it before): The Vendor Silo.

    Here’s part of the source.

There’s an element to this, though, that strikes a chord deep with me. It has to do with every topic from “vertical integration” to “resources” to “business model.”

None of that matters much to me. I’ve dabbled with metrics and understanding the tides of the inter-webs. Unlike the sea, where the tide is steady and predictable, follows the Sun and the Moon, the inter-webs have this emotional component, and then, a quick-like bounce rate.

Make one mistake, and the pattern is set. To this day, one of my buddies will have nothing to do with the Death Star (AT&T) from a customer service issue years ago.

I’ve gone back and forth with them, but it’s three good calls to one bad one. About the same for me and my current hosting provider.

    Interesting to note that GoDaddy, due to the advertising alone, I can’t support them, but their service has always been slipshod in my experience, and the company is straying away from ‘cloud hosting.’

I don’t know what the ‘Vendor Silo’ is, not exactly. But I can see that most companies like to get a person locked into a single company for products, services and then, everything.

I tend to stray away from that. Then, again, I prefer customer and clients who can think for themselves.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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  • rhubarb Oct 19, 2012 @ 14:08

    I have always been troubled when speaking with a person who has had one unfortunate experience with “X” and for the rest of his/her life, avoids or even changes actions radically when confronted by “X” again. Sometimes to the point of being dysfunctional.

    It’s particularly troubling when “X” might be another person or organization which has possibly altered over time, sometimes quite substantially. Or when “X” is a single example of a large number of instances, and “X” comes to stand for every instance, all the time, the reaction embedded deep in the psyche. The person is then altering his/her behavior to avoid something that isn’t there.

    Leave it to me to get all philosophical and analytical….

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