Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 10.25.2012

    “No profit grows where no pleasure ta’en;
    In brief, sire, study what you most affect.”
    Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew [1.1.42-3] Scorpio: There’s a subdued tone to the beginning of this weekend, especially for Scorpio. Got a few birthdays, but still, think less flash and more gritty realism. Don’t get upset with me, ‘gritty realism,’ in books, on TV, in the movies? It sells well. However, I’m not likely to bow to market pressure. I was including ‘gritty realism’ since your Scorpio self, and all of Scorpio, is confronted with just such a scenario. There are two ways to make it through. (1) Run away. Escape. Flee the other direction. Or, (2) better yet, embrace the grit. Understand that it might get a little dirty this weekend. Understand that it won’t be the first, or last, or this issue, but if you go ahead and confront it? Works out much better. You can run, my little Scorpio friend, but by now, you — of all people — should know, you can run, but you can’t hide. Sagittarius Never let it be said that I’m, me — personally — I’m not afraid to let my mouth run off when I have no business saying anything. Just because I know nothing about the topic, that’s never stopped me from pontificating. I write horoscopes and I fish. I can easily play fast and loose with facts.

Therein is the caution for our good Sagittarius selfs. This is — normally — acceptable behavior from a Sagittarius. Like us. This is normally all OK! There is nothing ‘normal’ going on, and that’s the problem. Our usual loquacious answer, glib style, and pointless meanderings to fill in dead air spots? This week, just follow me on this one, this week, just next couple of days? Ok, so 7 days is too long, for the next two days? Keep the Sagittarius mouth firmly shut. A closed mouth gathers no feet.

Capricorn: Lip balm. Great secret for times like this. I used to purchase chap-stick brand stuff in the super store, buy in bulk. I got traveling around the Southwest so much that I would use the stuff, in bulk. I’m not sure, these days, I think the brand I use most frequently is some kind of natural bee wax and partially hydrogenated seed oil of some type. Maybe a hint of cocoanut oil. I’m not sure. Still use them a lot, and it’s the greatest tool for travel. Car, plane, train, even bus, doesn’t matter. There will be long periods of time, in this next few days, punctuated by activity. The boring bits in between? That’s what the lip balm is for, as you’ll be licking your lips in anticipation. I’m just trying to sooth that.

Aquarius: If you think the art of oration is long-lost? Look again at the current crop of professional politicians. To borrow an unsuitable dairy analogy, the cream rises to the top. The current crop of political people is showing that the art of moving speeches is not lost. In this day, in this age, it’s a little more difficult because the omnipresent threat of social media, the web, and instant updates. That’s kind of the problem, too, as that new media has all but killed the old way of politics. What used to spread through a large public gathering, these days, the same sentiments can be dispersed over the internet tubes. So is the skill of oration doomed? Hardly. As an Aquarius, look up a favorite form of rhetoric. Various from Aquarius to Aquarius, but there’s a favored way to win the argument. Might want to practice up on the oration skills, too. Personally? I’d suggest borrowing from the current crop of politicians. Add your own Aquarius substance, though.

Pisces: Simple advice, condensed? “Know when to walk away.” As this week unfolds, as this weekend arrives in high gear and you, feeling a lowly? That phrase might be more useful than you think. There will be a situation, or more, that present themselves. The secret to success? “Know when to walk away.” There comes a point, as a Pisces, you’re not afraid to run away from a fight, but there comes a point where you keep hearing an inner voice that says, “Fight!” Once again, let me reiterate this point, the secret to success? “Know when to walk away.” Doesn’t much matter that it’s principle, or the right thing, or whatever moral high-ground you want. Doesn’t matter. That most correct — for Pisces — that most correct action? Inaction. “Know when to walk away.” There’s a little bonus, too, knowing when to walk away? You’ll — eventually — win. Triumph. Overcome the adversity. But to win? “Know when to walk away.”

Aries: A client asked about Abeline (TX). I whistle-stopped through there. Lived out the lyrics of an old country song, too, as well as the lyrics of some more recent redneck rock, almost at the same time. Weird how that works. It’s been many long years since I passed though Abeline. Been a dozen years or more since I used the example of the oil rig in front of the courthouse there, too. Because I have a strict “no repeat” policy, I can’t use that courthouse oil-rig example again. It was amusing, as a tale goes, drilling a demo rig in front of the courthouse, they hit a shallow patch of oil. Turned into a modest find of oil, for the town. While it’s been a long time since I’ve used that example, the details are buried on my site, I still can’t use it again. Now, as we all move forward, my little Aries friends? No repeats. No digging up old material and reusing it. No repeats. If the answer to the question was clear, even if you didn’t like the answer? Don’t ask the question, again.

Taurus: I’d like to talk about “reframing.” Not refraining, although, in some situation, refraining isn’t such a bad idea, but no, not in Taurus. This week is about “reframing.” I’d like to think about this in terms of reframing a certain question, as in, you didn’t like the first answer, so you’re coming back with the same question, only, you’ve couched it in different terms. You’ve thought the question through, and if you ask the right question, possibly the very same question, but from a a different point of reference? Might help the other side understand. They might understand what you’re driving at, what the desired outcome is, what the goal you’re trying to get across. Reframe. Reframe the question. Reframe the answer. Instead of say, “No,” say, “that’s not going to happen that way.” Same answer, framed. See how this little verbal game works? As the week slides on around, think about reframing the either the question or the answer. Reframing the question;

Gemini: I had a name tag fetish for a while. The little tags at airports, “Name, Address, Phone?” I sort of collected those tags. I considered it beautiful to get on a regional airline with a railway tag. Or get on a train with an international flight tag. Just a weird affectation of mine.

Kind of outgrew it, as in, I’ve traveled so much, and I’m mostly just interested in what’s easiest. I can usually identify my bags on the conveyor belt, too. That’s not the issue. It was, like advertising, only, in reverse some way. I even went so far as to laminate a clearly disposable tag. I suspect this stems from a need to “Name it and claim it.”

Gemini, looking at your chart, you’re stricken with my affliction, a need to stick a label, no matter how transitory, on the baggage. Emotional baggage? Real travel goods? Backpack for daily carry? Thought processes that have been occupying your Gemini brain? Name it, claim it, tag it, then set that bag back on the conveyor belt.

Cancer: I’ll use this over and over, but I’ll trot this out, for you, my fine Cancer, first. The world isn’t going to end, but there will be a huge media splash about perceptions of the end of the world. Mayan Prophecies and Nostradamus and everything in between? That material will get dredged up, flaunted, interpreted, and commented upon. Nonsense. Every bit of that is nonsense. “But I read this one article, well, some of it, then there was thing on TV, so that makes it real!” No it doesn’t make it real, as an astrology writer, I’ve watched as three different events that “Foretold the end of the world,” have come — and more important — passed by, and yet, we’re all still here. I might not be all here, but the part of me that is here? It should be obvious, by now, we’re staying put. When I played spin the astrology chart wheel for Cancer, all I could get was a singular “Focus on work” message. Boring. Mind-numbing, slightly offensive, to me, and boring. I can’t dress that message up any other way. It’s not exciting, this week ends in Halloween (Samhain to some of us). Maybe a little less time spent working on fabulous costume, and little more time on real work? Just a thought.

Leo: Perfect time to think about Leo fantasies. Perfect time to imagine yourself in the role of a lifetime. Perfect time to see yourself as the ass-kicking, superstar that you are.

Let’s look at costumes, some kind of celebration, I’m sure there’s a weekend party or two, where you can dress the part, that role, you can dress and play the role you feel like you were destined for!

I’m going someplace with this, it’s about seeing yourself in that position. It’s about donning the appropriate garb, perhaps a costume, maybe something else, and acting out the role. The position, the dream come true. It’s easy to write it all off as a fantasy, this time of the year. With the horde of planets in Scorpio, this is a way to secretly try out that fantasy and see if it works as well as you figure it should. Give it a spin.

Virgo: Couple of years ago, I stumbled across an album, CD in this current version, the Byrds’ “Sweethearts of the Rodeo” (1968). It’s been credited with changing the landscape of the music scene forever. Without it, there would be no Hotel California, no Willie Nelson, and almost none of my favorite, somewhat local performers as there would be no bridge between traditional country and the more modern variation.

Several acclaimed musical critics singled out that album as being the shed-water moment. The critical point that changed everything. The single production, the work of a simple band that blew doors off, knocked down walls, changed it all. Blur that line between genres. This is less of a comment about music, and more of a commentary about changes.

You’ve got a chance, as a Virgo, the make a change. Challenge one, single, long-held belief. One line, one piece of the landscape that might need to change. I didn’t say it would change, but challenge that single tenet, precent, rule, law, or even just a guideline.

Libra: Ideas spread through propagation. It was a simple process, a business associate was demonstrating. Simple, easy script, just read this stuff, and then, move on. After running through the process, maybe a half-dozen time, I caught the gist, the basic tenets of the plan, the program. What to do. Read this script. It was like a church’s liturgy, only, thankfully, devoid of religious weights. However, anyone familiar with programs and processes, doesn’t much matter what organization, they all seem to work in a similar way. Familiarity with the material made it easy and quick for me to grasp. The idea that it was a liturgical in format, that too, made it simple. The ideas contained therein, those were like seeds that got planted and after repeating it, over and over, for a few tries, couple of weeks in a row, the process becomes habit. we’re forming new habits in Libra, now. Good habits.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • Sarah Smith Oct 25, 2012 @ 12:03

    Next two days, he said. Which two might that be? Today, Thursday, and tomorrow, Friday? Maybe best right through the weekend, come to think of it. And just when I was feeling like babbling, pontificating, blowing off steam…which was exactly your point, yes?

  • Cim Oct 26, 2012 @ 14:34

    Say what? To a non-americ
    an reader.